RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para cucumber La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren cucumber

jekyll-s3 3.2.0

This Gem allows you to push your Jekyll blog to AWS S3. In addition, you can use this G...

100.168 Descargas

mediawiki-selenium 0.1.21

DEPRECATED: please use mediawiki_selenium gem instead. Several MediaWiki extensions sha...

99.869 Descargas

omnijack 1.1.0

A pallet jack to unload data from the Omnitruck

99.383 Descargas

opentox-ruby-api-wrapper 1.6.5

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

99.244 Descargas

gauntlt 1.0.13

Using standard Gherkin language to define security tests, gauntlt happily wraps cucumbe...

97.854 Descargas

ruby_odata 0.1.6

An OData Client Library for Ruby. Use this to interact with OData services

97.621 Descargas

recap 1.2.2

GIT based deployment recipes for Capistrano

97.199 Descargas

my_scripts 0.1.15

Simple scripting framework

96.684 Descargas

test-queue-split 0.3.2

minitest/rspec parallel test runner for CI environments

96.540 Descargas

bukkit 2.5.3

A command line wrapper for CraftBukkit.

96.015 Descargas

jekyll-s3-yearofmoo 0.0.35

This Gem allows you to push your Jekyll blog to AWS S3. In addition, you can use this G...

95.896 Descargas

purchase 1.0.15

A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a purchase

94.900 Descargas

cucumber-in-the-yard 1.7.8

Cucumber-In-The-Yard is a YARD extension that processes Cucumber Features, Scenarios, S...

94.896 Descargas

kendo-page-object-widgets 0.2.14

This gem adds kendo widgets to your page-objects

94.217 Descargas

dew 0.4.1

Dew is a layer between fog and the ground

93.895 Descargas

manifest-builder 0.7.5

Repo builder of the software manifest.yml for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deliver...

92.904 Descargas

badgerbadgerbadger 0.15.0

Generate Github project badges like a boss

92.744 Descargas

github-api-client 0.3.3

Caches retrieved information to your user profile and reuses it when you query again.

91.853 Descargas

setup 5.2.0

Every Rubyist is aware of Minero Aoki's ever useful setup.rb script. It's how most of ...

91.651 Descargas

taxamatch_rb 1.1.2

The purpose of Taxamatch gem is to facilitate fuzzycomparison of two scientific name re...

91.483 Descargas

memories 0.3.6

CouchDB has built in document versioning, but you can't rely on it for version control....

91.210 Descargas

crab 0.2.14

CRaB is a bridge between Cucumber and Rally

90.841 Descargas

automobile 0.1.5

A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile

90.020 Descargas

lurker 1.0.0

The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application

89.597 Descargas

opener-opinion-detector-basic 3.3.0

Basic Opinion Detector.

89.395 Descargas

testgen 1.0

A collection of generators build things for testers using Cucumber

88.453 Descargas

middleman-remover 1.1.0

Remove some files fron build dir

88.305 Descargas

astromapper 1.1.0

Astromapper generates Traveller RPG Star Charts (from Sector to Domain).

87.962 Descargas

crane_rails 0.3.6

Initialize this gem with `crane-rails bootstrap`

87.904 Descargas

Ifd_Automation 3.0.3

Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test GUI,...

87.653 Descargas

Total de descargas 75.782.985

Para esta versión 962.068



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 3.0.1
