RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para cucumber La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren cucumber

nonnative 1.80.0

Allows you to keep using the power of ruby to test other systems

156.524 Descargas

bitpay-sdk 2.5.1905

Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the BitPay developers API

152.040 Descargas

cucumber-chef 3.0.8

Framework for test-driven infrastructure development.

152.002 Descargas

ey-core 3.6.6

Engine Yard Core API Ruby Client

150.856 Descargas

takelage 0.33.1

tau is a thor command line script to tame the takelage devops workflow

150.843 Descargas

rsmp 0.29.0

Easy RSMP site and supervisor communication.

150.117 Descargas

capsule_crm 1.10.4

Gem to communicate with CapsuleCRM

149.825 Descargas

configuration_service 4.2.2

Configuration service

149.254 Descargas

producer-core 0.6.2

producer-core is a software configuration management tool providing a DSL to describe i...

148.386 Descargas

bitbucket_rest_api 0.1.7

Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket API supporting OAuth and Basic Authentication

145.156 Descargas

mutx 0.2.9

Exposes executions easily

144.440 Descargas

configuration_service-provider-vault 3.3.1

A HashiCorp Vault provider for the Configuration Service

144.435 Descargas

parallel_report_portal 3.0.1

A Cucumber formatter which integrates with Report Portal and supports both the parallel...

144.053 Descargas

mongo_doc 0.6.34

ODM for MongoDB

144.004 Descargas

rubypitaya 3.19.6

RubyPitaya is an application to create servers using the pitaya protocol.

143.216 Descargas

middleman-robots 1.3.7

middleman-robots create robots.txt includes Allow or Disallow and sitemap path.

139.660 Descargas

typogruby 1.0.18

Improve web typography using various text filters. This gem prevents widows and applies...

137.441 Descargas

string-urlize 1.0.2

Extends ruby "String" class with "urlize" method which converts string to friendly url....

136.616 Descargas

wally 0.0.47

Cucumber feature viewer and navigator

136.326 Descargas


librarian-puppet-maestrodev gem is now deprecated in favor of librarian-puppet 0.9.11 a...

136.012 Descargas

pretty_face 0.10.3

HTML Report/Formatter for cucumber that allows user to modify erb in order to customize.

135.401 Descargas

pretty_face 0.10.3

HTML Report/Formatter for cucumber that allows user to modify erb in order to customize.

135.401 Descargas

jsus 0.4.0

Javascript packager and dependency resolver

133.455 Descargas

dap 1.3.1

DAP reads data using an input plugin, transforms it through a series of filters, and pr...

132.970 Descargas

flight 0.1.11

A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a flight

132.432 Descargas

anmo 0.0.30

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

131.605 Descargas

teamcity_formatter 0.8.3

Render cucumber test output in a format consumable by TeamCity

128.606 Descargas

copycopter_client 2.0.1

Client for the Copycopter copy management service

127.766 Descargas

dynamic_fieldsets 0.1.20

Dynamic fieldsets for rails controllers

124.893 Descargas


Generic approval queues for record creation and updates

124.657 Descargas

Total de descargas 75.632.495

Para esta versión 912.189



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 3.0.1
