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Dependencias inversas para css_parser La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren css_parser

alb-test 10.1.15

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

27.984 Descargas

vtt2ass 0.3.6

Convert VTT subtitles to ASS subtitles

27.658 Descargas

parade 0.10.2

Parade is an open source presentation software that consists of a Sinatra web app that ...

27.436 Descargas

assert_xpath 0.4.6

assert_xpath and deny_xpath call assert_ and deny_tag_id

26.494 Descargas

dry_css 0.0.8

A gem for pointing out redundant css

25.495 Descargas

spuit 0.2.2

Sass mixins.

25.068 Descargas

eyeliner 0.0.6

Eyeliner puts CSS makeup on your HTML emails.

23.152 Descargas


Simple utility to pull image urls from web page

21.708 Descargas


Simple utility to pull image urls from web page

21.708 Descargas

any2pdf 1.2.1

convert anything to pdf (via pandoc and pdfkit)

21.350 Descargas

aanand-deadweight 0.1.0

RCov for CSS

21.135 Descargas

poxy 0.0.6

A responsive fixed width grid framework built on top of Sass based on the Frameless Gri...

18.268 Descargas

styler-sass 0.1.7

Hybrid Solution for bootstrap bourbon awesome font normalize

17.648 Descargas

motion-awesome 0.0.7

FontAwesomess for IOS apps

17.401 Descargas

applied_css 0.0.5

Gem for interrogating CSS and Script elements of a html document

16.273 Descargas

regru-premailer 1.7.8

Improve the rendering of HTML emails by making CSS inline, converting links and warning...

16.136 Descargas

style_stats 0.4.2

Oriainal StyleStats is a Node.js library to collect CSS statistics! This gem was port i...

15.843 Descargas

glimmer-dsl-css 1.5.2

Glimmer DSL for CSS (Ruby Programmable Cascading Style Sheets)

15.552 Descargas

compass-selector-warn 0.2.5

compass extension that warns you if you're using to many css selectors

15.511 Descargas

sexxy-emails 0.0.6

Adds inline css support to action mailer so you can use a stylesheet to tame your email...

15.135 Descargas

muddle 1.0.1

Email clients are not web browsers. They render html all funny, to put it politely. In ...

15.036 Descargas

sprites 0.0.1.rc3

Sprites generator for ruby applications or from cli

14.334 Descargas

victor-cli 0.3.8

CLI for Victor, the SVG Library

13.910 Descargas

old_style 1.4.5

Rails helper. Finds the irrelevent styles in your stylesheet and generates a html re...

13.613 Descargas

pretty_mailer 0.0.4

PrettyMailer lets you use stylesheets to apply inline styles to emails.

11.864 Descargas

jekyll-simple-assets 0.6.1

Some simple asset utils for jekyll

11.519 Descargas

unused_css 1.0.0

A Ruby gem, built from a need, to watch a suite of functional tests and gather all of t...

10.958 Descargas

webpage-archivist 0.0.3

An utility to archive webpages through time

10.525 Descargas

rspec-respect_selector_limit 0.2.2

RSpec matcher ensures that CSS files do not break in Old IE

10.398 Descargas

html2email 0.1.4

Convert ruby html templates to an email compatible form.

8.767 Descargas

Total de descargas 138.877.079

Para esta versión 24.903

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
