RubyGems Navigation menu

coveralls 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 coveralls

pry-inline 1.0.7

This Pry plugin enables inline variables view like RubyMine!

1,922,093 下載

bunny-mock 1.7.0

Easy to use mocking for testing the Bunny client for RabbitMQ

1,851,232 下載

yt 0.33.4

Youtube V3 API client.

1,817,612 下載

credentials_manager 1.0.0

Password manager used in

1,804,116 下載

slack-api 1.6.1

A Ruby wrapper for the Slack API

1,777,115 下載

spaceship 1.0.0

Ruby library to access the Apple Dev Center and iTunes Connect

1,766,339 下載

openssl-cmac 2.0.2

Ruby Gem for RFC 4493, 4494, 4615 - The AES-CMAC Algorithm

1,760,704 下載

image_optimizer 1.9.0

A simple image optimizer

1,745,062 下載

dpl-releases 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

1,725,988 下載

fluent-plugin-grepcounter 0.6.0

Fluentd plugin to count the number of matched messages, and emit if exceeds the threshold

1,664,657 下載

av 0.9.0

Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav

1,646,270 下載

finishing_moves 1.2.1

Ruby includes a huge amount of default awesomeness that tackles most common development...

1,622,713 下載

search_object_graphql 1.0.5

Search Object plugin to working with GraphQL

1,595,291 下載

hansi 0.2.1

Der ANSI Hansi - create colorized console output.

1,574,361 下載

crypt_keeper 2.3.0

Transparent ActiveRecord encryption

1,547,084 下載

snapshot 2.0.0

Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS and tvOS apps on every device

1,527,535 下載

paperclip-av-transcoder 0.6.4

Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv

1,524,745 下載

m3u8 0.8.2

Generate and parse m3u8 playlists for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).

1,490,427 下載

gingerice 1.3.0

Corrects spelling and grammar mistakes based on the context of complete sentences.

1,443,285 下載

active_scheduler 0.7.0

A wrapper for scheduling jobs through ActiveJob

1,439,718 下載

switch_point 0.9.0

Switching database connection between readonly one and writable one.

1,429,301 下載

tmuxinator 3.3.0

Create and manage complex tmux sessions easily.

1,396,056 下載

deliver 2.0.1

Upload screenshots, metadata and your app to the App Store using a single command

1,393,598 下載

csvlint 1.4.0

CSV Validator

1,345,180 下載

carrierwave-imageoptimizer 1.6.0

A simple image optimizer for CarrierWave

1,343,461 下載

knife-solo 0.7.0

Handles bootstrapping, running chef solo, rsyncing cookbooks etc

1,272,658 下載

td 0.17.1

CLI to manage data on Treasure Data, the Hadoop-based cloud data warehousing

1,266,895 下載

paper_trail-globalid 0.2.0

An extension to paper_trail, using this you can fetch actual object who was responsible...

1,264,168 下載

puppet-lint-undef_in_function-check 0.2.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check for undef in function calls.

1,257,101 下載

json-streamer 2.1.0

Utility to support JSON streaming allowing you to get data based on various criteria (k...

1,242,168 下載

總下載次數 13,567,031

這個版本 3,172,337



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
