RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour coveralls Latest version of the following gems require coveralls

certificate_authority 1.1.0

Ruby gem for managing the core functions outlined in RFC-3280 for PKI

432 961 Téléchargements

chef-handler-sns 2.1.0

Chef report handler to send Amazon SNS notifications on failures or changes, includes I...

426 043 Téléchargements

attributor 8.0

A powerful attribute and type management library for Ruby

417 509 Téléchargements

active-triples 1.2.0

ActiveTriples provides tools for modeling RDF as discrete resources.

417 446 Téléchargements

enju_circulation 0.3.11

Circulation management for Next-L Enju

412 426 Téléchargements

shortcode 2.0.0

Gem for parsing wordpress style shortcodes

411 817 Téléchargements

puppet-lint-file_source_rights-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check file rights when providing a source.

407 862 Téléchargements

volt 0.9.6

A reactive Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the clie...

390 539 Téléchargements

chutney 3.7.0

A linter for your Cucumber features. Making sure you have nice, expressible Gherkin is ...

389 621 Téléchargements

sprig 0.3.1

Sprig is a library for managing interconnected, environment-specific seed data.

387 099 Téléchargements

dpl-firebase 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

386 941 Téléchargements

user-agent-randomizer 0.2.0

Random HTTP User-Agent string generator

377 636 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-update_xcodeproj 1.0.1

Update Xcode projects

377 310 Téléchargements

s3_uploader 0.2.3

S3 multithreaded directory uploader

372 879 Téléchargements

tf-idf-similarity 0.3.0

Calculates the similarity between texts using tf*idf

364 695 Téléchargements

rails-flog 1.6.1

This formats parameters and sql in rails log.

364 573 Téléchargements

dpl-bintray 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

361 998 Téléchargements

administrate-field-belongs_to_search 0.9.0

Add support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Admin...

360 217 Téléchargements

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

360 114 Téléchargements

riposte 0.2.0

A micro-gem for handling different outcomes of an action

356 402 Téléchargements

wiselinks 1.2.1

Wiselinks makes following links and submitting some forms in your web application smart...

355 136 Téléchargements

rubydora 2.2.0

Fedora Commons REST API ruby library

352 160 Téléchargements

testlab 1.22.4

A toolkit for building virtual computer labs

349 847 Téléchargements

active_model_validates_intersection_of 3.0.1

A custom validation for your Active Model that check if an array is included in another...

347 499 Téléchargements

google-maps 3.0.7

This is a ruby wrapper for the Google Maps api

347 293 Téléchargements

binary_struct 2.1.0

BinaryStruct is a class for dealing with binary structured data. It simplifies express...

344 907 Téléchargements

uniqueness 1.1.0

Adds unique attribute support to ActiveModel models.

343 529 Téléchargements

dependor 1.0.1

Dependor is not a framework for Dependency Injection, but something thatt reduces dupli...

332 867 Téléchargements

ingreedy 0.1.0

Natural language recipe ingredient parser that supports numeric amount, units, and ...

332 088 Téléchargements

cobweb 1.2.1

Cobweb is a web crawler that can use resque to cluster crawls to quickly crawl extremel...

328 285 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 13 602 129

Pour cette version 3 177 403



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.8.7
