Dépendances inversées pour coveralls Latest version of the following gems require coveralls
timeasure 0.2.1
Timeasure is a Ruby gem that allows measuring the runtime of methods ...
183 790 Téléchargements
api-client 3.1.0
Api client easy to play with parallelism support!
182 945 Téléchargements
activerecord-sortable 0.0.8
activerecord-sortable allows you easily integrate jquery ui sortable with your models
182 433 Téléchargements
google-webfonts 0.3.2
Simplifies creating link tags for Google Webfonts.
181 595 Téléchargements
enju_subject 0.3.4
Subject and classification management for Next-L Enju
180 986 Téléchargements
loggregator_emitter 5.2.0
Library to emit data to Loggregator
180 685 Téléchargements
activeadmin_settings_cached 2.3.1
UI interface for rails-settings-cached in active admin
180 325 Téléchargements
bitpay-key-utils 2.2.1905
Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the BitPay developers API
178 096 Téléchargements
retina_rails 2.0.5
Retina Rails makes your application use high-resolution images by default. It automatic...
177 659 Téléchargements
credit_card_bins 0.0.3
Find out how your customers are paying
176 584 Téléchargements
fume 0.10.0
some simple rails extentions.
176 331 Téléchargements
stable_sort 1.1.0
Add stable sort functionality to ruby
175 944 Téléchargements
Write options or configurations without worry of typos and the need to remember all the...
175 592 Téléchargements
praxis-mapper 4.5
A multi-datastore library designed for efficiency in loading large datasets.
174 941 Téléchargements
trema 0.10.1
Trema is a full-stack, easy-to-use framework for developing OpenFlow controllers in Ruby.
174 688 Téléchargements
breasal 0.0.1
A Ruby gem that converts both British and Irish Eastings and northing to WGS84 latitude...
174 058 Téléchargements
persistent-cache 1.1.1
Persistent Cache using a pluggable back-end (e.g. SQLite)
171 506 Téléchargements
bitpay-sdk 2.5.1905
Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the BitPay developers API
170 543 Téléchargements
terraforming 0.18.0
Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)
170 471 Téléchargements
lita-ascii-art 0.1.0
A Lita handler that generates ASCII art.
169 193 Téléchargements
brakeman_translate_checkstyle_format 0.0.1
Translate brakeman json format into checkstyle format.
168 061 Téléchargements
enju_bookmark 0.3.2
Purchase request management for Next-L Enju
166 516 Téléchargements
themoviedb-api 1.4.1
Provides a simple and intuitive interface for the Movie Database API making use of Open...
166 245 Téléchargements
glimmer-dsl-libui 0.12.5
Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Fukuoka Award Winning Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development...
165 277 Téléchargements
limarka 19.7.3
Com essa ferramenta você poderá escrever sua monografia, dissertação ou tese utilizando...
163 930 Téléchargements
homesick 1.1.6
Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind. Homesic...
163 759 Téléchargements
pugin 1.10.10
Pugin is a component-based pattern design library that holds all of the reusable partia...
163 609 Téléchargements
wisepdf 1.4.0
Wisepdf uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. In ...
163 125 Téléchargements
est 0.3.4
Estimate project size
162 130 Téléchargements
gitx 4.5.0
Git eXtensions for improved development workflows
161 842 Téléchargements