RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour config Latest version of the following gems require config

geoblacklight_admin 0.7.1

Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.

5 199 Téléchargements

ArkTools 0.1.1

Uses various template files to create ARK configuration files - Game.ini - GameUserSe...

5 073 Téléchargements

container_broker 1.2.0


4 863 Téléchargements

ffc 0.1.1

Support to convert file formats choosing from a preset UNIX command list

4 835 Téléchargements

devtools-jdiff 1.1.0

Looks for JIRA stories within the commits in a git repositoryand compares branches to f...

4 620 Téléchargements

dvla-dataverse-helper 0.1.4

This gem helps you integrate Microsoft Dataverse Web API to your ruby project

4 305 Téléchargements

gmo_services 0.1.6

Payment solutions with GMO services

3 857 Téléchargements

dubbletrack_remote 0.8.5

Posts data from automation systems to Requires dubbletrack account

3 692 Téléchargements

devtools-base 2.0.0

Utilities include:\nRunTest - Runs specs based on local configuration\nRunEnv - Run th...

2 750 Téléchargements

devtools-prlist 2.0.0

Queries GitHub pull requests and displays a list. Can filter based on labels

2 664 Téléchargements

hybridge 1.0.0

An ingest tool for Samvera Hyku and Hyrax repositories.

2 659 Téléchargements

devtools-runtest 2.0.0

Runs all or specific specs based on local configuration options

2 634 Téléchargements

paw 0.1.0

Description of Paw.

2 516 Téléchargements

caco 0.1.0

Caco, configure your machines like you develop your web apps

2 371 Téléchargements

ros-core 0.1.0

Base controller, model, resource and policy classes; authentication with JWT, per reque...

1 997 Téléchargements

ros_sdk 0.1.0

Authenticate and connect to remote services via REST

1 995 Téléchargements

uffizzi-core 0.1.13


1 981 Téléchargements

cnfs-core 0.0.1.alpha

Base controller, model, resource and policy classes; authentication with JWT, per reque...

1 954 Téléchargements

cnfs_sdk 0.0.1.alpha

Authenticate and connect to remote services via REST

1 941 Téléchargements

pg-verify 0.1.2

Tool for the declaration and transformation of program graphs

953 Téléchargements

ruby_mongo_x 0.0.4

MongoDB client in Ruby that connects to dozens of Mongo databases, performs queries sim...

295 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 41 216 621

Pour cette version 1 377 671

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6.0
