Dependencias inversas para config La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren config
geoblacklight_admin 0.7.1
Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.
5.182 Descargas
ArkTools 0.1.1
Uses various template files to create ARK configuration files - Game.ini - GameUserSe...
5.071 Descargas
container_broker 1.2.0
4.860 Descargas
ffc 0.1.1
Support to convert file formats choosing from a preset UNIX command list
4.833 Descargas
devtools-jdiff 1.1.0
Looks for JIRA stories within the commits in a git repositoryand compares branches to f...
4.618 Descargas
dvla-dataverse-helper 0.1.4
This gem helps you integrate Microsoft Dataverse Web API to your ruby project
4.300 Descargas
gmo_services 0.1.6
Payment solutions with GMO services
3.849 Descargas
dubbletrack_remote 0.8.5
Posts data from automation systems to Requires dubbletrack account
3.680 Descargas
devtools-base 2.0.0
Utilities include:\nRunTest - Runs specs based on local configuration\nRunEnv - Run th...
2.749 Descargas
devtools-prlist 2.0.0
Queries GitHub pull requests and displays a list. Can filter based on labels
2.663 Descargas
hybridge 1.0.0
An ingest tool for Samvera Hyku and Hyrax repositories.
2.658 Descargas
devtools-runtest 2.0.0
Runs all or specific specs based on local configuration options
2.633 Descargas
paw 0.1.0
Description of Paw.
2.516 Descargas
caco 0.1.0
Caco, configure your machines like you develop your web apps
2.370 Descargas
ros-core 0.1.0
Base controller, model, resource and policy classes; authentication with JWT, per reque...
1.997 Descargas
ros_sdk 0.1.0
Authenticate and connect to remote services via REST
1.995 Descargas
uffizzi-core 0.1.13
1.981 Descargas
cnfs-core 0.0.1.alpha
Base controller, model, resource and policy classes; authentication with JWT, per reque...
1.954 Descargas
cnfs_sdk 0.0.1.alpha
Authenticate and connect to remote services via REST
1.941 Descargas
pg-verify 0.1.2
Tool for the declaration and transformation of program graphs
950 Descargas
ruby_mongo_x 0.0.4
MongoDB client in Ruby that connects to dozens of Mongo databases, performs queries sim...
280 Descargas