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combustion 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 combustion

dradis-projects 4.12.0

This plugin allows you to dump the contents of the repo into a zip archive and restore ...

70,361 下载

dynamo-record 1.4.3

Extensions to Aws::Record for working with DynamoDB.

70,337 下载

graphql-connections 1.4.0

GraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations

68,399 下载

activeset 0.8.6

Easily filter, sort, and paginate enumerable sets.

68,040 下载

active_event_store 1.2.1

Wrapper over Rails Event Store with conventions and transparent Rails integration

67,098 下载

parentry 1.6.0

ActiveRecord adapter for the Postgres ltree module

67,063 下载

humane-rails 5.1.0

A gemified version of Marc Harter's humane-js.

66,831 下载

api_canon 0.4.7

api_canon is a declarative documentation generator for APIs. Dec...

66,658 下载

actionset 0.11.0

Easily filter, sort, and paginate collections.

66,531 下载

rows_controller 3.1.5

YourController < RowsController ( < ApplicationController).

63,859 下载

act_as_time_as_boolean 1.0.1

Add time_as_boolean feature to ActiveRecord classes

62,175 下载

clone_kit 0.6.1

Supports rules-based cloning, Mongoid, and distributed operations

61,979 下载

meta-tags-helpers 0.2.0

Rails meta tags helpers

60,561 下载

quby 5.6.4

Quby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...

59,905 下载

garails 1.0.1

Google Analytics for Rails

58,893 下载

eventifier 0.3.0

Tracks and logs events and sends notifications of events on Active Record models.

58,444 下载

mallet 0.2.0

Send and track mails asynchronously.

58,277 下载

pundit_extra 0.3.0

Add some helpers and additional functionality to Pundit.

57,928 下载

hq-graphql 2.2.4

OneHQ GraphQL Library

57,552 下载

facades 1.1.0

Facades is a collection of front-end patterns and libraries designed to speed up develo...

57,366 下载

logatron 0.16.1

Logging for ascent

55,747 下载

schked 1.3.0

Rufus-scheduler wrapper to run recurring jobs

55,666 下载

dradis-nmap 4.12.0

This add-on allows you to upload and parse output produced from Nmap web server scanner...

53,315 下载

kayessess 0.4.0

A Rails plugin/gem for helping to get KSS into your Rails app.

53,224 下载

act_with_bag 1.1.4

Add a bag to a Rails model

52,350 下载

revelry_generate 0.5.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

51,424 下载

databound 3.1.3

It lets you use methods like create, update, destroy in the Javascript while handling a...

51,134 下载

dradis-zap 4.12.0

This add-on allows you to upload and parse output produced from the Zed Attack Proxy (Z...

51,080 下载

global-registry-bindings 0.7.2

Provides a common interface for mapping ActiveRecord models to Global Registry entities...

51,010 下载

deleted_at 0.5.0

Default scopes are bad. Don't delete your data.

50,720 下载

下载总量 3,337,758

这个版本 66,210



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
