RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para colorize La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren colorize

tlog 0.2.6

tlog is a distributed project time and ticket tracker

62.957 Descargas

beyond_canvas 0.23.0.pre

Beyond Canvas is an open-source framework that provides CSS styles for apps designe...

62.948 Descargas

sesh 0.4.3

Remote background sessions powered by tmux and tmuxinator.

62.874 Descargas

cloud-mu 3.5.1

The eGTLabs Mu toolkit for unified cloud deployments. This gem contains the Mu deployme...

62.765 Descargas

jack-eb 1.4.4

Wrapper tool to manage AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments

62.444 Descargas

aws-ec2 1.4.9

Simple tool to create AWS ec2 instances consistently with pre-configured settings

62.301 Descargas

slackbot_frd 0.5.0

The slack web api is good, but very raw. What you need is a great ruby framework to ab...

62.104 Descargas

clusterlb 0.1.32

Simple tools to manage a group of nginx lb's with shared nfs configs

62.084 Descargas

superbara 0.15.1

Better way to build Capybara tests

62.049 Descargas

cfncli 1.0.3

Creates a Cloudformation stack synchronously

62.024 Descargas

ggsm 1.9.6

A gem for Git Submodule

61.896 Descargas

echo_cli 0.6.33

A gem to interact directly with Echo's stack. Post metrics to Echo's StatsD server.

61.888 Descargas

spark_engine 1.2.20

A design system framework for Rails (and humans).

61.552 Descargas

reapack-index 1.2.3

Package indexer for git-based ReaPack repositories

61.268 Descargas

chicanery 0.2.0

trigger various events related to a continuous integration environment

61.136 Descargas

battleroom 0.0.871

A REPL designed to help novice Ruby programmers build muscle memory for working with va...

61.034 Descargas

paraduct 1.0.1

Paraduct(parallel + parameterize + product) is matrix test runner

60.997 Descargas

quandl_cassandra 1.4.0

Quandl cassandra interface. CQL.

60.967 Descargas

tensor_stream 1.0.9

A reimplementation of TensorFlow for ruby. This is a ground up implementation with no d...

60.522 Descargas

learn-status 1.0.1

Gets your current status from

59.903 Descargas

bourdain 1.6.3

Tools for badass chefs.

59.102 Descargas

i18n-migrations 2.0.10

We help you manage your locale translations with migrations, just the way Active Record...

58.902 Descargas

alfi 1.0.0

Android Library Finder

58.551 Descargas

aipp 2.2.2

Parse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data to either ...

58.290 Descargas

holistics 0.4.0

CLI interface for Holistics

58.177 Descargas

lazylead 0.13.0

Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and e...

57.870 Descargas

seed_helper 1.13.0

Use SeedHelper to create rake tasks to be used in your Seeds file. Use the output ...

57.866 Descargas

pd_ruby 0.2.3

Print debug statements with ease.

57.855 Descargas

qiita_org 0.2.2

qiita_org gem to post qiita from org.

57.789 Descargas


A Ruby Gem with bioinformatics tools for processing viral NGS data. ...

57.693 Descargas

Total de descargas 128.131.978

Para esta versión 6.664.202



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
