RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para colorize La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren colorize

cute_logger 0.1.13

Cute Logger provides globally accesible methods to do the logging. It also provides a l...

69.139 Descargas

cloud-maker 0.10.0

CloudMaker is a tool for launching and configuring EC2 instances. It works as an extens...

68.742 Descargas

singed 0.2.2

Quick and easy way to get flamegraphs from a specific part of your code base

68.604 Descargas

groundworkcss 2.3.7

The official GroundworkCSS rails gem. Created by @ghepting and @ldewald. GroundworkCSS ...

68.497 Descargas

subclass_must_implement 0.0.2

Auto-generate abstract method stubs to mark them as required to be implemented in subcl...

67.703 Descargas

cova 0.2.1

Cova removes a lot of the complexity that comes with designing, coding, testing, protot...

67.221 Descargas

ci-helper 0.6.0

CIHelper is a gem with Continuous Integration helpers for Ruby

67.167 Descargas

renuo-cli 4.2.0

The Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...

67.099 Descargas

weather_fetcher 0.1.5

At this moment you can fetch weather, from various P...

66.900 Descargas

knife-flip 0.1.9

A knife plugin to move a node, or all nodes in a role or environment, to a specific env...

66.674 Descargas

dhatu 0.2.3

Dhatu (Sanskrit word for elements). This plugin will add all the basic elements require...

66.475 Descargas

gridcli 0.1.7

A command line interface to The Grid: Social Networking, Web 0.2

66.450 Descargas

datahunter 0.4.1

Command line interface to find open datasets via the Hunter API

66.436 Descargas

magicbell 2.2.1

The notification inbox for your product

66.190 Descargas

chris_lib 2.2.1

It includes maths, datetime, and rspec access test libraries.

65.829 Descargas

ajax-cat 2.1.0

computer-aided translation backed by machine translation

65.793 Descargas

unity_test_results 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

65.373 Descargas

bumper_pusher 0.3.0

Bumping and pushing your ruby gems easy and fast!

65.108 Descargas

dtk-common 0.12.0

Dtk common is needed to use dtk-client gem, provides common libraries for running DTK CLI.

64.655 Descargas

orientepodspecpush 0.4.3

Once you tag a new version of your cocoapod run this to automatically run pod spec lint...

64.616 Descargas

rubyc 0.3.0

Adds Ruby's powers to the command line

64.605 Descargas

construi 0.41.0

Build tool using Docker to specify build environment

64.585 Descargas

webscraper_framework 0.1.735

webscraper_framework is a DRY framework for creating scrapers

64.482 Descargas

flutterby 0.6.2

Flutterby is a flexible, Ruby-powered, routing graph-based web application framework th...

64.314 Descargas

fingerprintable 1.2.1

Fingerprintable adds a way to fingerprint an instance of any object, with ability to ea...

63.934 Descargas

resque-unique_at_runtime 4.0.1

Ensures that for a given queue, only one worker is working on a job at any given time. ...

63.860 Descargas

git-fastclone 1.5.1

A git command that uses reference repositories and threading to quicklyand recursively ...

63.380 Descargas

pivo_flow 0.8

Automated querying for pivotal stories, adding story id to commit message, etc.

63.237 Descargas

puppet-runner 0.0.27

Loads user config and created result hiera config and executes puppet apply with it.

63.096 Descargas

ad_localize 6.2.0

AdLocalize produces localization files from platform agnostic wording. ...

62.953 Descargas

Total de descargas 128.003.160

Para esta versión 6.608.936



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
