coderay 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 coderay
augustl-redclothcoderay 0.3.5
Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.
13,433 下載
switch_file 0.1.2
A configurable utility for jumping across files
13,142 下載
git-bro 0.2.0
Git-bro provides tools to serve your Git repositories
12,993 下載
rush2 0.10.0
A Ruby replacement for bash+ssh, providing both an interactive shell and a library. Ma...
12,855 下載
univedo-shell 0.5.0
Simple SQL shell for debugging univedo.
12,776 下載
siuying-gitdocs 0.4.16
Open-source Dropbox using Ruby and Git (my fork with github favoured markdown support).
12,712 下載
show_code 0.1.7
show_code provides a quick way to show ruby method source codes in terminal.
12,637 下載
pwice_grid 7.0.0
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
12,588 下載
bbgun 1.1.0
Provides BBCode for Ruby.
12,545 下載
tranzito_utils 1.3.1
Ruby gem contain several modules mainly containing the helpers, concerns and services f...
12,354 下載
system_browser 0.1.4
Powers System Browser Client, which is a desktop application that displays information ...
12,260 下載
mailbot 0.0.4
Learn with Mailbox
12,092 下載
tiramisu 0.0.4
Super-simple testing library for Ruby
12,067 下載
mars-nesta 0.9.6
Nesta is a lightweight Content Management System, written in Ruby using the Sinatra web...
11,916 下載
gui_debugger 0.0.4
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
11,801 下載
hitchens 0.0.3
Mountable blogging engine with a focus on maintainability and good clean OO design.
11,484 下載
rack-highlighter 0.2.1
Rack Middleware for syntax highlighting.
11,455 下載
code_metric_fu 4.14.4
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...
11,414 下載
ro_commands 0.0.4
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
11,379 下載
diff_highlight 0.1.5
Syntax highlights content from a git diff
11,237 下載
trace_viewer 0.0.3
Launches your web browser to view the functions of a stack trace in chronological order
11,022 下載
thredded-markdown_coderay 1.0.0
A Thredded plugin that highlights code syntax in your Markdown posts via Coderay.
10,864 下載
wbzyl-datamapper-tutorial 0.0.11
Moje notatki do Datamappera.
10,856 下載
degica 1.0.3
10,759 下載
capuchin 0.0.3
Jekyll for email newsletters
10,720 下載
webgit 0.1.1
Git Web Client.
10,564 下載
mongo_fe 0.1.2
A simple Sinatra based web front-end that can be used for experimenting and learning Mo...
10,394 下載
js2coffee 1.0.3
Convert yours JavaScript code to CoffeeScript, vice versa.
10,264 下載
texttube_baby 1.1.1
Some useful filters for markdown that I use in my blogs
10,191 下載
atech_docs 1.0.3
Webserver and library for rendering and previewing documentation for the aTech Support ...
10,135 下載