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Dépendances inversées pour cocoapods Latest version of the following gems require cocoapods

tuya-cli-odm 0.1.0

tuya odm cli public tools

1 894 Téléchargements

cocoapods-jumanji 0.1.0

A short description of cocoapods-jumanji.

1 877 Téléchargements

cocoapods-static-store 0.1.0

Store Pods to upload to S3 or download from S3

1 822 Téléchargements

pod-builder-y 2.3.1

Prebuild CocoaPods pods to make compiling your Xcode projects faster

1 602 Téléchargements

sync-podspec 0.1.0

Push new specifications to a spec-repo without

1 573 Téléchargements

cocoapods-binary-ht 1.0.0

Reduce build time by building pod frameworks and cache to remote storage, reuse on mult...

1 518 Téléchargements

cocoapods-byte-panglem-beta 0.0.8

A short description of cocoapods-byte-panglem.

1 449 Téléchargements

cocoapods-binary-bugfix 0.0.3

integrate pods in form of prebuilt frameworks conveniently, reducing compile time

1 448 Téléchargements

shkeeper 1.0.0

Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development, iOSer&Androider using this ...

1 040 Téléchargements

shkeeper 1.0.0

Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development, iOSer&Androider using this ...

1 040 Téléchargements

cocoapods-azure-universal-packages2 0.0.4

A CocoaPods plugin for downloading Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts feeds.

1 012 Téléchargements

cocoapods-dependencies-list 1.0.0

List dependencies from cocoapods in an easily parseable format.

781 Téléchargements

ykioscmd 0.6.7

a longer description or delete this line.

715 Téléchargements

cocoapods-packager-next 2.0.1

An alternative to cocoapods-packager, adapted to the latest Xcode. CocoaPods plugin wh...

655 Téléchargements

cocoapods-lockfile 0.1.0

A Cocoapods plugin that generates the Podfile.lock file without the need to download th...

607 Téléchargements

cocoapods-packager-tj 1.5.0

CocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods...

519 Téléchargements

enrich-pod-patcher 1.2.0

Create & apply patches to Pods

477 Téléchargements

cocoapods-byte-panglem 0.0.13

A short description of cocoapods-byte-panglem.

455 Téléchargements

flutter-deploy 1.0.4

flutter deploy

382 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 93 216 712

Pour cette version 3 347 350



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6
