RubyGems Navigation menu

clipboard 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 clipboard

slap 0.0.1

a command line client for github's gists

3,502 下載

passfn 0.0.1

passfn provides a cli command to generate a password from a domain and a master pas...

3,414 下載

curltoruby 0.1.3

Inspired by jhawthorn's curl-to-ruby. see

3,407 下載

webhookdb 1.4.0

Replicate any API to your database with WebhookDB. WebhookDB handles webhooks and inte...

3,354 下載

pry-clipboard2 1.0.0

pry-clipboard2 allows you to copy Pry results and history to your clipboard.

3,330 下載

imgur-auto-uploader 0.0.3

Automatically upload images to Imgur.

3,231 下載

working_set 1.0.2

Working Set is a multithreaded custom protocol server with an ncurses-based terminal in...

3,196 下載

minitest-paste 0.1.0

minitest/paste is a Minitest plugin which collects any test f...

2,975 下載

passpit 0.0.1

CLI password manager.

2,958 下載

colstrom-fidgit 0.2.7

Fidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu

2,708 下載

dpass 0.0.1.alpha07

Derive application specific passwords from secret master password using PBKDF2 in OpenSSL

2,582 下載

openai_101 1.2.8

OpenAI 101 working through the API endpoints

2,577 下載

erdb 1.1.2

ERDB is a Ruby Gem for generation Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD).

2,469 下載

evil_clipboard 1.0.0

An evil clipboard.

2,411 下載


This is a simple gem for connecting to the TD Ameritrade Developers API

2,381 下載

jwt_me 0.1.0

Simple JWT Cli

2,372 下載

pry-pasteboard 0.1.0

Copy result to clipboard for Pry

2,368 下載

otp-cli 1.0.0


2,314 下載

mdhost 0.5

Runs eshost in table mode, copying a Markdown version of the table to your clipboard.

2,248 下載

dicemypass 0.2.1

Generates a passphrase using EFF's long wordlist.

2,229 下載

prgen 0.1.0

A CLI utility to accompany pull request submission

2,107 下載

tinygist 0.1.0

A simple tool to to share gist content from and to clipboard.

2,066 下載

ruby-lastpass 0.1.1

Simple gem to use the oficial LastPass CLI with Ruby.

1,984 下載

bletchley 0.1

Adds cryptographic functions to many Ruby core classes.

1,947 下載

clag 0.0.7

Clag is a command line tool that generates command line commands right in your terminal...

1,932 下載

hijack-test 1.0.2

Hijack-Test check your device on clipboard hijackers. Prevent loosing Bitcoins and te...

1,795 下載

cvss_cli 0.2.0

A simple CLI Tool to calculate CVSS Scores

1,643 下載

boilercode 0.1.2

BoilerCode CLI

1,351 下載

depryve 0.2

Hassle-free copy/pasting of Ruby console output.

937 下載

bcli 0.1.0

BoilerCode CLI

569 下載

總下載次數 13,824,622

這個版本 603,830




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
