RubyGems Navigation menu

clipboard 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 clipboard

xml_col_finder 0.3.0

Attempts to return the relative xpath for each element containing text.

7,119 下載

fx4s 0.0.4

Fast Xfce4 screenshot share

7,106 下載

public 0.0.5

Dropbox public files made easy

6,988 下載

paster 0.0.3

universal asynchronous pastebin CLI

6,551 下載

password_vault 0.0.2

CLI Password Vault

6,469 下載

unicopy 1.0.3

Converts Unicode codepoints to a string (or vice versa) and copies it to the system cli...

6,368 下載

glimmer_wordle 1.1.6

Glimmer Wordle - Word Game Desktop GUI App Written in Glimmer DSL for SWT (requires JRu...

6,206 下載

quickmug 0.0.5

Easy command line smugmug uploader

6,193 下載

lorca 0.5.0

Lorca is a passphrase generator based on diceware made available by the EFF. Passwords,...

6,128 下載

yamp 1.0.0

A minimal CLI-based password manager built upon redis-cache

5,779 下載

network_clipboard 0.0.1

Allows sharing of clipboard between multiple machines on the same network. Encrypted us...

5,716 下載

kasefet 0.2.0

Kasefet is a password wallet built around flat files

5,527 下載

appydave-tools 0.10.3

AppyDave YouTube Automation Tools

5,334 下載

stock_market_days 1.2.0

Tells you whether the US stock market is open on a given day, up to 2059

5,280 下載

clitinyurl 0.1.0

Uses the API and provides an executable CLI wrapper to shorten URLs directly from ...

4,881 下載

clipboard_formatter 1.0.1

Copies the list of failed examples to your clipboard so that you can restart them easily.

4,873 下載

code_snippet 0.3.0

A code snippet handling tool

4,853 下載

cpgem 0.0.1

Copy Gemfile line to clipboard

4,840 下載

clipboard_monitor 0.1.1

This is a simple clipboard monitor that emits changes. Only tested on Mac OsX

4,636 下載

secrets-cipher-base64 1.2.1

Store sensitive data safely as encrypted strings or entire files, using symmetric aes-2...

4,333 下載

randpass 0.3.3

Ruby random password generator. Allow single password or list, comments, use of clipboa...

4,323 下載

password_manager 0.0.1

A very simple password manager for more secure passwords

4,299 下載

google-copy-link 0.0.1

A ruby gem to give you the power of Google Search in your command line and copy links t...

4,276 下載

otpui 0.3.0

One Time Password Ui

4,271 下載

gistrb 0.1.2

A command-line utility to manage GitHub Gists

4,186 下載

vermic 0.1.3

I often need to paste my code to some place with public access in order to ask question...

4,143 下載

reddits 0.1.1

Scrapes reddits landing page.

4,139 下載

passvault 0.1.2

A secure password vault on a smartcard, protected by a master password. Intended for us...

3,994 下載

mytotp 0.1.4

Totp cli tool for who loves the cli. I made it for myself, I don't like others.

3,954 下載

heroku_whiz 0.2.1

Handy (experimental) Heroku gem for noobs to create a simple Heroku app in a whiz!

3,891 下載

總下載次數 13,574,998

這個版本 464,169




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
