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Dependencias inversas para cinch La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren cinch

cinch-seen 1.0.5

Cinch Plugin to allow users to find out how long it's been since a user was active

22.521 Descargas

cinch-links-tumblr 1.0.3

Cinch gem that logs every link posted in the channel to a Tumblr

22.268 Descargas

cinch-url-scraper 1.3.2

A Cinch plugin to get information about posted URLs.

22.250 Descargas

cinch-basic_ctcp 1.1.1

Implement the most important CTCP replies for Cinch bots

21.460 Descargas

rateless_bot 0.4.3

An IRC Bot

21.093 Descargas

cinch-twitterstatus 1.1.3

Cinch IRC bot Plugin that access the Twitter API to post the content of linked twitter ...

20.169 Descargas

cinch-yaml-keywords 1.3.0

A Cinch plugin to define keywords and display description when keyword matches, keyword...

20.004 Descargas

cinch-wikipedia 1.0.6

Cinch plugin that fetches a truncated blurb from the head of a wikipedia page.

19.869 Descargas

cinch-downforeveryone 1.0.3

Check if a website is up, using

19.658 Descargas

cinch-karma 1.0.4

Cinch Plugin to track karma (item++ / item--) in the channel

19.264 Descargas

cinch-weatherman 1.0.5

Cinch Plugin to get Weather data using the Weather-Underground gem

19.069 Descargas

cinch-magic 1.0.4

Cinch Plugin that searches for card information.

19.049 Descargas

post2irc 0.9.2

This gem will start a sinatra script that will listen to posts and will publish the con...

18.988 Descargas

cinch-memo 0.1.2

Give your Cinch bot memo functionality!

17.509 Descargas

cinch-strawpoll 0.1.10

Strawpoll plugin for Cinch.

17.504 Descargas

cinch-github 0.1.0

Cinch Plugin to let bots interact with Github

17.211 Descargas

cinch-evalso 0.2

Cinch plugin to evaluate code with different languages using the API

17.055 Descargas

openra-irc_bot 0.7.2

Openra IRC Bot

16.351 Descargas

cinch-quotes 0.0.4

Gives Cinch IRC bots ability to manage quotes

16.308 Descargas

cinch-convert 1.0.3

Cinch Plugin for Coverting Units via the units binary

15.969 Descargas

cinch-links-logger 1.0.3

Cinch Plugin to track links in the channel

15.962 Descargas

cinch-simplecalc 1.0.3

Cinch Plugin that passes simple numeric math propblems to the Calc gem

15.950 Descargas

cinch-urbandictionary 0.10.1

A Cinch plugin for fetching the top result of an Urban Dictionary query

15.540 Descargas

cinch-notes 1.0.4

A cinch plugin to allow leaving other users notes.

15.405 Descargas

bitbot 0.0.4

Bitcoin IRC Tip Bot

14.687 Descargas

cinch-rfc 0.0.4

Your Cinch IRC bot will how helpfully tell you about RFCs you reference

13.598 Descargas

cinch-lastfm 0.2.2

This is the Cinch plugin adding 'recently played' functionality.

13.542 Descargas

ocelots 0.0.4

Command line wrapper for ocelots api

13.243 Descargas

cinch-logsearch 1.0.2

Cinch Plugin to search log files for users.

13.116 Descargas

cinch-dice 0.0.3

Dice plugin, perfect for role-playing games or generic decision making.

12.327 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.356.989

Para esta versión 113.566



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.1
