RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour ci_reporter_rspec Latest version of the following gems require ci_reporter_rspec

cf-uaa-lib 4.0.4

Client library for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Authorization (UA...

3 457 284 Téléchargements

cf-uaac 4.23.0

Client command line tools for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Author...

2 059 666 Téléchargements

conjur-cli 6.2.6

Conjur command line interface

451 610 Téléchargements

conjur-api 6.0.0

Conjur API

447 577 Téléchargements

asciidoctor-jenkins-extensions 0.9.0

a collection of Asciidoctor extensions which enable more advanced formatting in Jenkins...

365 601 Téléchargements

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

356 541 Téléchargements

conjur-debify 3.0.2

Utility commands to build and package Conjur services as Debian packages

329 244 Téléchargements

openstudio-workflow 2.3.1

Run OpenStudio based measures and simulations using EnergyPlus

209 975 Téléchargements

spark_api 1.6.2

The spark_api gem handles most of the boilerplate for communicating with the Spark API ...

179 676 Téléchargements

typesafe_enum 0.3.1

A gem that implements the typesafe enum pattern in Ruby

163 620 Téléchargements

slosilo 3.0.1

This gem provides an easy way of storing and retrieving encryption keys in the database.

134 342 Téléchargements

trustpilot-business-links 1.1.0

This gem generates Trustpilot Business Generated Links described on https://support.tru...

119 677 Téléchargements

webdrone 1.18.2

See webpage for more info.

105 154 Téléchargements

u2i-ci_utils 3.2.1

Write a longer description. Optional.

93 464 Téléchargements

u2i-ci_utils 3.2.1

Write a longer description. Optional.

93 464 Téléchargements

conjur-rack 5.0.0

Rack authenticator and basic User struct

76 049 Téléchargements

ikazuchi 1.2.1

meta-package of useful gems for rails development

55 129 Téléchargements

gini-api 0.9.11

Ruby client to interact with the Gini API.

38 502 Téléchargements

lookout-rack-test 3.0.0

RSpec and Cucumber helpers

37 829 Téléchargements

jeti-log 0.7.0

Read and interpret Jeti telemetry log files.

36 177 Téléchargements

covalence 0.9.9

A tool for the management and orchestration of data used by HashiCorp infrastructure to...

31 263 Téléchargements

conjur-asset-policy 0.13.0

Fully declarative YAML markup for Conjur policy.

29 440 Téléchargements

conjur-asset-dsl2 0.6.1

A fully declarative DSL for Conjur with Ruby and YAML syntax.

22 588 Téléchargements

vagrant-rspec-ci 1.1.2

vagrant-rspec-ci is a Vagrant 1.2.x plugin for running tests against your VMs, derived ...

21 219 Téléchargements

stand 1.0.5

Generate your standup reports instantly.

14 673 Téléchargements

berkeley_library-logging 0.2.7

A gem providing shared logging code for UC Berkeley Library gems and Rails applications

14 492 Téléchargements

conjur-asset-audit-send 1.0.2

Conjur asset plugin to send custom audit events

11 606 Téléchargements

berkeley_library-tind 0.7.2

UC Berkeley Library utility gem for working with the TIND DA digital archive.

10 225 Téléchargements

dovico 1.4.0

Simple client & tools for

9 992 Téléchargements

p4_web_api_client 2014.2.0.pre5

The P4 Web API provides a simple HTTP interface for many p4 operations. This provides a...

9 646 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 8 176 647

Pour cette version 8 167 942



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
