RubyGems Navigation menu

chromedriver-helper 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 chromedriver-helper

lunar_shell 0.5.2

For those who think there's too much clicking involved in surfing the web, Lunar shell ...

11,443 下載

volt-browser_irb 0.1.4

A simple console that runs opal in the browser

9,405 下載

volt-osmaps 0.1.8

Volt component wrapping Leaflet.js to use OpenStreetMaps in your volt app.

9,292 下載

volt-chosen 0.1.3

Volt bindings for Chosen, the JS library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more us...

9,094 下載

volt-slider 0.2.0

Slide any type of content using jquery animate

8,377 下載

instaman 0.1.5

The Instaman gem interacts with the latest posts on the Instagram according to hashtags...

8,190 下載

cic-tools 0.0.1

cic tools

8,087 下載

volt-easypiechart 0.3.0

A Volt component to use the EasyPieChart jQuery plugin.

7,275 下載

sugoi_webpage_capture 0.0.3

Webpage capture.

7,235 下載

volt-table 0.1.3

It's datatables for Volt.

6,967 下載

hyrax-doi 0.2.0

Tools for working with DOIs in Hyrax including model attributes, minting, and fetching ...

6,377 下載

newspaper_works 1.0.1

Gem/Engine for Newspaper Works in Hyrax-based Samvera Application.

6,045 下載

sprangular 0.1.0

Spree frontend using angular.js

5,450 下載

httpalooza 1.0.1

HTTPalooza brings together the best Ruby HTTP clients on one stage.

5,253 下載

volt-redis_message_bus 0.1.1

A message bus strategy for Volt using redis

5,236 下載

volt-awesome 0.1.1

Awesome UI for @VoltFramework applications. Great for prototyping and hackathons. View ...

5,189 下載

mfinante 0.2.1

Scraping the Romanian Ministry of Finance in order to find information about a company ...

5,171 下載

volt-image_resizer 0.1.1

A gem that provides an image resizing service with optional amazon cloudfront caching

5,099 下載

selenium_page 0.2.0

This gems aims to simplify the organization of support files when using the Selenium We...

5,045 下載

spree_edrone 1.0.2

Supports Edrone

4,328 下載

browser_crawler 0.4.1

Simple site crawler using Capybara

4,205 下載

solidus_conekta 1.1.1

Soldius Engine for Conekta Mexican Payment gateway

3,694 下載

freenom-dns 0.1.5

Manage Freenom DNS records from terminal

3,650 下載

capybara-ember-inspector 1.6.2

Adds Ember Inspector capable Selenium Driver into your Capybara tests for convenient de...

3,647 下載

setupWatirCucumber 0.2.0

A gem for setup BDD automation with cucumber and Watir Framework, create a env with ini...

3,589 下載

volt-gmaps 0.1.0

Adds a google map view for Volt apps. This will let you scroll the page when you mouse ...

3,165 下載

mathjax_renderer 0.0.3


3,145 下載

volt-daterange 0.1.0

Volt wrapper for daterangepicker (bootstrap date picker)

3,132 下載

volt-select2 0.1.0

Simple wrapper to use select2 with Volt

3,091 下載

bootstrap4_rails_components 0.1.0

Implementation of view helper methods that utilize robust options and traits to generat...

2,785 下載

總下載次數 18,400,068

這個版本 4,715,593



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