Dépendances inversées pour chartkick Latest version of the following gems require chartkick
ecm_time_tracking_backend 0.1.0
Ecm::TimeTracking::Backend Module.
17 190 Téléchargements
chaskiq 0.0.6
17 010 Téléchargements
spree_reports 0.2.2
Awesome Spree Reports: orders by period, orders by payment type, orders by value range
16 227 Téléchargements
rails-server-monitor 0.2.1
Monitor one or multiple servers at once and see stats in web UI
14 993 Téléchargements
benchmark-bigo 1.0.1
Benchmark objects to help calculate Big O behavior
13 317 Téléchargements
intel 0.0.4
Search analytics made easy
12 175 Téléchargements
my_chartkick 0.1.5
A Chartkick wrapper works with non-activerecord
11 537 Téléchargements
active_admin_bbs 1.1.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
10 813 Téléchargements
iruby-chartkick 0.3.1
Minimalistic wrapper around chartkick to use it within IRuby
10 073 Téléchargements
uzebba 0.1.5
rails 5 application monitoring tool to check for System Information, CPU Usage and Memo...
10 041 Téléchargements
chartnado 0.1.0
Chartkick charts with extras
9 643 Téléchargements
activeinsights 1.3.3
Rails performance tracking
8 765 Téléchargements
solid_queue_dashboard 0.2.0
Dashboard for Solid Queue
8 459 Téléchargements
rmeter 0.0.1
RMeter is a ruby based implementation of a jmeter multi-server runner, with reports and...
4 491 Téléchargements
decidim-comparative_stats 1.1.0
A module to compare instances of Decidim by using their API.
4 472 Téléchargements
solidus_admin_insights 2.1.1
Add (optional) gem description here
4 163 Téléchargements
retention_magic 0.1beta3
RetentionMagic is a drop-in gem for instantly generating insightful graphs that tel...
4 103 Téléchargements
suiteview 3.1.0
suiteview is a tool to help show the contents of a cucumber suite with your unique spec...
4 103 Téléchargements
caffeinate_webui 0.1.0
Create, manage, and send scheduled email sequences and drip campaigns from your Rails app.
4 006 Téléchargements
speedup-dashboard 0.0.1
Performance dashboard creates an front-end for SpeedupRails gem and for now, there is p...
3 169 Téléchargements
spree_admin_insights 3.2.0
Track what product being viewed, what being purchased. Who are consistant buyers etc.
2 747 Téléchargements
shiba_stats 0.0.4
A small gem for measuring things
2 734 Téléchargements
blazer_xlsx 3.0.8
Blazer fork that adds support for exporting to XLSX
2 607 Téléchargements
railsblazer 2.0.0
Explore your data with SQL. Easily create charts and dashboards, and share them with yo...
1 977 Téléchargements
finery 3.0.3
Explore your data with SQL. Easily create charts and dashboards, and share them with yo...
1 815 Téléchargements
shiba-stats 0.0.1
A small gem for measuring things
878 Téléchargements
solid_cache_dashboard 0.2.0
Dashboard for Solid Cache
499 Téléchargements
dashboards 0.1.0
Create beautiful, customizable bento-style admin dashboards in your Rails application w...
245 Téléchargements
puny-monitor 0.1.0
A batteries-included monitoring tool for single hosts. Works great with Kamal.
228 Téléchargements
solid_cable_dashboard 0.0.1
Dashboard for Solid Cable
160 Téléchargements