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carrierwave 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 carrierwave

carrierwave-docsplit 0.0.2

Bring together docsplit and carrierwave in a loving union.

7,792 下載

carrierwave-optimize_image 0.2.1

A simple image optimize for CarrierWave

7,791 下載

activeadmin_slides 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7,777 下載

carrierwave-scp 0.0.1

Add the storage option of SCP to the gem CarrierWave.

7,746 下載

kublog 0.9.0

Rails Mountable Engine that sets up your Product Blog, share your posts on facebook, tw...

7,709 下載

camouflage 0.0.3

Disguise an image by applying graphical effects

7,648 下載

web_admin 0.1.0

Sistema administrativo para site

7,592 下載

deals 0.0.2

Deals API

7,582 下載

voltron-upload 0.2.5

Adds logic to handle drag and drop file uploads with Dropzone.js

7,568 下載

carrierwave-taglib 0.1.1

ID3v1 tag processing for CarrierWave uploads

7,328 下載

curationexperts-mailboxer 0.10.3

A Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...

7,220 下載

carrierwave-delay 0.1.2

With carrierwave-delay you can offload version processing of your Carrierwave uploaders...

6,980 下載

statixite 1.0.2

Statixite allows you to easily manage multiple static websites. It is a mix of a conte...

6,952 下載

carrierwave-raca 0.1.1

Use raca for Rackspace cloud files support in CarrierWave

6,864 下載

asset_zip_importable 0.0.2

Importable asset zip plugin for rails.

6,778 下載

mailboxer-without-notification 0.11.2

A Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...

6,674 下載

exo_cms 0.0.3

CMS engine to deliver multiple sites. Based on Mongoid.

6,566 下載

carrier_wave_base64_uploader 0.1.2

Mixin for CarrierWave uploaders to support Base64 data URLs for mobile APIs

6,444 下載

redactor_rails 0.2.0

Integrates asset uploaders with the redactor editor

6,410 下載

carrierwave-flickr 0.1.2

Save your image attachments in using Carrierwave

6,405 下載

carrierwave-truevault 0.0.2

Carrierwave storage for TrueVault.

6,314 下載

carrierwave-data 0.0.2

Allows carrierwave to process Base64 encoded file uploads by providing a `#{mounted_as}...

6,305 下載

s3_direct_up 0.0.2

Amazon S3 direct uploader

6,242 下載

o_cms 0.5.0

Easily extend your application with Pages, Post and Image Library, customisable to suit...

6,235 下載

media_gallery 1.1.0

Offers a REST interface allowing the management of S3 images on a gallery basis.

6,084 下載

image_thread 0.1.1

Images for models

6,000 下載

navinshop 0.0.2

opensource ecart gem created by navin kumar

5,975 下載

carrierwave-validators 0.0.1

CarrierWave extension to validate files uploaded using carrierwave.

5,905 下載

dunlop 0.1.0

Organize business processes, do data analysis and guard your goals

5,903 下載

korgi 0.2.3

Extends the Markdown syntax to allow quick generation of links to Rails resources.

5,856 下載

總下載次數 98,463,031

這個版本 514,898



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
