RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour byebug Latest version of the following gems require byebug

adminpanel 3.6.1

Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very config...

230 450 Téléchargements

biodiversity 5.9.1

Parsing tool for biodiversity informatics

227 027 Téléchargements

api_resource 0.6.25

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

225 339 Téléchargements

filecluster 0.6.1

Distributed storage

222 865 Téléchargements

govuk_tech_docs 3.5.0

Gem to distribute the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template. See

221 375 Téléchargements

hoodoo 4.0.0

Simplify the implementation of consistent services within an API-based software platform.

220 437 Téléchargements

breakers 0.7.1

This is a Faraday middleware that detects backend outages and reacts to them

217 789 Téléchargements

pulitzer 0.15.31

A content management system that works with your view templates. Keep the presses hot!

216 208 Téléchargements

decidim-bulletin_board 0.24.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

213 224 Téléchargements

erp_integration 0.48.0

Connects Mejuri with third-party ERP vendors

212 108 Téléchargements

bridge_api 0.3.2

Ruby gem for interacting with the bridge API

210 853 Téléchargements

fractional 1.2.1

Fractional is a Ruby library for parsing fractions.

210 359 Téléchargements

ar-query-matchers 0.8.0

These RSpec matchers allow guarding against N+1 queries by specifying exactly how many ...

209 213 Téléchargements

platform_sh 0.2.11 helper gem to ease interacting with the environment

208 204 Téléchargements

ostruct-sanitizer 0.7.0

Provides Rails-like sanitization rules for OpenStruct fields.

208 111 Téléchargements

omniauth-canvas 2.0.0

OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Instructure Canvas.

208 031 Téléchargements

promoter 0.9.5

promoter is a wrapper for the REST API

205 463 Téléchargements

formatos-febraban 0.3.64

Formatos para envio e recebimento de dados bancários da FEBRABAN

199 598 Téléchargements

masamune 0.19.1

Hybrid Data & Work Flow

198 826 Téléchargements

jsender 2.2.0

JSender facilitates a simple jsend implementation for ruby with json and rack helpers

197 302 Téléchargements

soar_sc_core 3.0.3

Service component core aggregations for simple inclusion into service components

196 884 Téléchargements

schema_to_scaffold 0.8.2

Command line app which parses a schema.rb file obtained from your rails repo or by runn...

194 213 Téléchargements

smart_init 5.0.2

A smart DSL for ruby initializers boilerplate

193 442 Téléchargements

activemodel-associations 0.2.0

ActiveRecord Association Helper for PORO (Plain Old Ruby Object)

192 707 Téléchargements

cache_crispies 1.4.0

Fast Rails serializer with built-in caching

192 182 Téléchargements

version_compare 0.2.0

VersionCompare simplifies comparison of version numbers with other version numbers. It ...

191 050 Téléchargements

jsonapi_swagger_helpers 0.6.6

Requires jsonapi_suite of libraries

189 301 Téléchargements

mail-gpg 0.4.4

GPG/MIME encryption plugin for the Ruby Mail Library This tiny gem adds GPG capabilitie...

189 139 Téléchargements

forty_facets 0.2.1

FortyFacets lets you easily build explorative search interfaces based on fields of your...

186 610 Téléchargements

honey_format 0.27.0

Proper objects for CSV headers and rows, convert column values, filter columns and rows...

186 392 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 332 937 987

Pour cette version 175 675 683



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.0
