RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour byebug Latest version of the following gems require byebug

orbit_activities 0.2.3

This gem helps you build custom activities for Orbit workspaces using the Orbit API

312 108 Téléchargements

lockup 1.7.1

A simple gem to more elegantly place a staging server or other in-progress application ...

311 968 Téléchargements

confg 3.0.1

Config the pipes

311 025 Téléchargements

lono 7.5.2

The CloudFormation Framework

307 875 Téléchargements

activejob-cancel 0.3.2

activejob-cancel provides cancel method to Active Job

304 777 Téléchargements

xero_gateway 2.7.0

Enables Ruby based applications to communicate with the Xero API

303 584 Téléchargements

dor-services-client 14.14.0

A client for dor-services-app

303 551 Téléchargements

churnalizer 0.1.3

Analyze your Ruby application for Churn vs Complexity

301 905 Téléchargements

sambot 0.1.229

# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...

298 462 Téléchargements

fixture_factory 0.3.0

Factories via fixtures

298 340 Téléchargements

private_gem 1.2.1

Keeps your private gems private

293 936 Téléchargements

zuora-ruby 0.7.0

A Ruby wrapper for Zuora API.

285 066 Téléchargements

dekiru 0.6.0

Usefull helper methods for Ruby on Rails

284 707 Téléchargements

idempotent-request 0.2.1

Rack middleware ensuring at most once requests for mutating endpoints.

283 343 Téléchargements

kaseya 0.3.0

Ruby client for the Kaseya BMS and VSA APIs

268 859 Téléchargements


Octoball provides Octopus-like database sharding helper methods for ActiveRecord 6.1 or...

268 851 Téléchargements

camaleon_cms 2.7.5

Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...

266 164 Téléchargements

fukuzatsu 2.3.2

Calculates code complexity as a measure of paths through code execution. CI integration...

261 544 Téléchargements

brief 1.17.14

Brief is a library for developing applications whose primary interface is the text editor

259 484 Téléchargements

bullet_train-roles 1.7.15

Yaml-backed ApplicationHash for CanCan Roles

255 609 Téléchargements

servicenow-api 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for the ServiceNow REST API (formerly servicenow-ruby)

249 002 Téléchargements

magic-admin 1.0.0

The Magic Admin Ruby provides convenient ways for developers to interact with Magic API...

244 017 Téléchargements

analyst 1.2.4

A nice API for interacting with parsed Ruby source code.

240 850 Téléchargements

rails_amp 0.2.2

RailsAmp is a Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy to build views for AMP(Accelerate...

240 386 Téléchargements

decidim-dev 0.28.1

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

238 356 Téléchargements

graphql-active_record 2.2.2

Active Record Helpers for graphql-ruby

236 995 Téléchargements

query_track 0.0.14

Finding time-consuming database queries for ActiveRecord-based Rails Apps

236 926 Téléchargements

chanko 3.0.0

Chanko is a Rails extension tool

235 346 Téléchargements

fat_zebra 3.2.9

Provides integration with the Fat Zebra internet payment gateway (, in...

232 498 Téléchargements

footrest 0.5.7

Ruby interface for restful APIs

231 503 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 332 499 626

Pour cette version 175 270 047



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.0
