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bunny 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 bunny

barrister-amqp 0.1.0

AMQP transport and server-container for Barrister

8,463 下载

bumpy_bridge 0.0.4

Bridging RabbitMQ and Faye.

8,461 下载

true_queue 0.9.5

Queue is a proxy to several queueing libraries: a homegrown queue on top of Redis, an i...

8,392 下载


A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

8,230 下载

redis-slowlog-stasher 0.0.6

watches the redis slowlog command and sends structured slowlog entries to logstash for ...

8,167 下载

stampery 0.1.3

Stampery API wrapper for Ruby. Notarize all your data using the blockchain!.

8,167 下载

rapids_rivers 0.2.16

Provides a generic Rapids/Rivers framework, and a specific implementation using RabbitM...

8,135 下载

jobster 1.2.0

A RabbitMQ-based job queueing system

7,789 下载

minion_kim 0.1.17

Super simple job queue over AMQP

7,615 下载

bunny_exchanges_manager 0.2.0

A gem to initialize RabbitMQ exchanges using Bunny on ruby applications

7,563 下载

nerve_pharmeasy 0.8.2

Nerve is a service registration daemon. It performs health checks on your service and t...

7,549 下载

rabbitmq-spec 1.1.0

Use this gem DSL to create RabbitMQ architecture specification and evaluate it in order...

7,448 下载

burrow 0.0.2

A wrapper to the bunny gem that removes the need for a lot of boilerplate code

7,346 下载

tylerrick-chef 0.10.9

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

7,242 下载

roger_rabbit 0.0.2

Sweet wrapper around the bunny rabbitmq library

7,214 下载

rabbitmq_client 0.0.3

RabbitMq client library support both publish and subscribe us...

7,132 下载

pika_q 1.0.2

PikaQ makes working with Rabbit MQ easier. It provides a thin layer around Bunny, the ...

7,129 下载

picsolve_rabbitmq_uploader 0.0.9

Script to retry sending web upload messages to rabbitmq This script depends on python3-...

7,081 下载

outboxable 1.0.6

The Outboxable Gem is tailored for Rails applications to implement the transactional ou...

6,845 下载

lapin 0.1.3

A sinatra-based app that redirects data received via HTTP to an AMQP message broker.

6,713 下载

bunny-pub-sub 0.5.2

Bunny publisher/subscriber client gemfor OnTrack and Overseer.

6,614 下载

microbunny 0.2.0

MicroBunny is an small opinionated RabbitMQ framework built on top of bunny that im...

6,122 下载

mtn_log4r 1.1.12

See also:

6,119 下载

event-pub-sub 2.0.0

Pub/Sub de Eventos baseado em RabbitMQ.

6,114 下载

hotot 0.0.1

Hotot is a kind of rabbit that wraps bunny's topic exchange.

6,066 下载

shadowbq-threatinator 0.5.2

This is a fork of the cikl/threatinator project

6,011 下载

mafia_amqp 0.1.1

# Mafia RPC on top of rabbitmq.

5,929 下载

threatinator-amqp-rcvr 0.1.4

This is a amqp receiver that dumps the data into a sql dbs for shadowbq-threatintor.

5,927 下载

messaging-adapter 1.0.8

Makes it easy to pub/sup with many message brokers.

5,884 下载

messaging-adapter 1.0.8

Makes it easy to pub/sup with many message brokers.

5,884 下载

下载总量 57,639,312

这个版本 107



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
