RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for bson_ext Latest version of the following gems require bson_ext

oii_twitter_goodies 0.0.743

OII Twitter Goodies!

44,773 下載

oii_twitter_goodies 0.0.743

OII Twitter Goodies!

44,773 下載

changeling 0.1.1

A simple, yet flexible solution to tracking changes made to objects in your database.

44,674 下載

oauth2-provider 0.0.19

OAuth2 Provider, extracted from

44,360 下載

csv_rails 0.7.0

The csv_rails gem provides a download csv file with rails.

44,028 下載

brick_layer 0.10.6

Content Management and Endpoint Rails Service Engine

43,221 下載

wackamole 0.1.4

This is a companion sinatra app for the Rackamole framework which provides for recordin...

42,741 下載

hit_counter 0.1.8

Why roast this chestnut by that open fire, you ask? Cause thousands and thousands of In...

42,166 下載

mongoid_acts_as_tree 0.2.0

Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist

41,901 下載

simple_metrics 0.4.6


41,745 下載

search_magic 0.3.0

Adds scopes to a Mongoid document providing search and sort capabilities on arbitrary f...

41,140 下載

hq-log-monitor-server 0.9.0

HQ log monitor system, central component

40,298 下載

fail_fast 0.6.0

raises an error if the yaml contents of a config file does pass a test script.

39,455 下載

fail_fast 0.6.0

raises an error if the yaml contents of a config file does pass a test script.

39,455 下載

uorm 0.0.15

A modular, flexible and lightweight ORM

38,728 下載

barnyard_harvester 0.0.13

Performs harvests on data sources and detects adds, changes and deletes.

38,271 下載

peace_love 0.2.3

A simple mixin layer for enhancing hashes retrieved from MongoDB. It eschews the normal...

37,895 下載

mongoid_migration 0.0.8

ActiveRecord::Migration ported to Mongoid

37,762 下載

marc2linkeddata 0.2.1

Utilities for translation of Marc21 records to linked open data.

37,374 下載

schnitzelpress 0.2.1

A lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools.

36,793 下載

voterable 0.0.10

Hackish implementaiton of voting on of voteable objects by a voter

36,482 下載

mongoid_misc 0.0.11

Extensions for Mongoid

36,304 下載


Mongo on Speed

35,928 下載

central_logger 0.3.3

Centralized logging for rails apps using MongoDB. The idea and the core code is from ht...

34,148 下載

mongoid-eager-loading 0.3.1

eager loading for mongoid

34,078 下載

rabbithutch 0.1.5

RabbitMq Trace Logger - Listen to multiple RabbitMq instances and log them to a single...

33,987 下載

cyclop 0.1.8

Job queue with MongoDB with emphasis on never losing any task even if worker fails hard...

33,897 下載

mongodb-graphite-agent 0.1.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

32,819 下載

tracco 0.0.20

Tracco is a Trello effort tracker: the purpose of Tracco is to extract and track estima...

32,164 下載

run_rabbit_run 0.1.5

RunRabbitRun gem lets to run and manage multiple ruby processes for RabbitMQ

31,959 下載

總下載次數 17,662,736

這個版本 2,026,497


Apache License Version 2.0

Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
