RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para bson_ext La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bson_ext

socializer-scraper 0.1.2

Various scrapers for the Socializer application.

24.318 Descargas

has_token_on 1.0.5

Simple yet customizable token generator for Rails 3

24.182 Descargas


Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...

23.915 Descargas

mongoid_followable 0.1.9

Please refer to for latest versions

23.881 Descargas

acts_as_sluggable 0.0.3

Create a slug for mongoid documents

23.854 Descargas

mongoid_to_csv 0.4.0

Simple Mongoid Model to_csv() class method that preserves scopes

23.719 Descargas

mongoid_follow 0.2.3

Gem to add basic "follow" features if you're using rails3 with mongoid

23.580 Descargas

neighborparrot 0.3.5

Send messages to the neighborparrot event source service

23.137 Descargas

pathways 0.0.7

Helps your track the pathways in your app so that you can pave the cowpaths. Uses Mongo...

23.113 Descargas

mongoid_commentable 0.0.6

Mongoid_commentable provides methods to create commentable documents

22.706 Descargas

qwirk 0.2.4

Library for performing background tasks as well as asynchronous and parallel RPC calls

22.666 Descargas

voteable_mongo 0.9.3

Add up / down voting ability to Mongoid and MongoMapper documents. Optimized for speed ...

22.538 Descargas

mumukit-service 3.0.2

Little framework for building stateful mumuki services

22.170 Descargas

riemann-mongodb 0.3.4

MongoDB clients to submits metrics to Riemann.

22.132 Descargas

mongo-import 0.6.0

A helper to restore snapshots created by mongoexport

22.069 Descargas

toughguy 0.3.0

Simple MongoDB ORM

21.826 Descargas

herbert 0.0.7

Herbert makes development of JSON REST API servers ridiculously simple. It provides a s...

21.671 Descargas

schron 0.0.10

Repository implementation for entity persistence

21.472 Descargas

mongodb-scheduler 1.2.0

A gem to schedule jobs, handle parallel execution and manage the jobs queue.

20.922 Descargas

io_shuten 0.1.1.dev1

IO::shuten – Use databases as IO handler like you would do with files and streams.

20.732 Descargas

mongoid_tag 0.0.6

Mongoid tagging gem that holds meta about tags in a scoped context.

20.304 Descargas

mongoid_alphadog 0.6.0

A simple little gem that makes it easy to handle case-insensitive alphabetizing for Mon...

20.300 Descargas

dafiti-rabbit-hutch 0.1.12

Logger for rabbitMQ!

19.889 Descargas

tmdb_trailer 0.2.9

Movie Trailer information will be stored in mongoDB. Information includes year released...

19.382 Descargas

kymera 0.1.7

Distributed Cucumber test runner

19.310 Descargas

exception_engine 0.3.3

The Exception Engine logs your Rails exceptions in your mongodb database and provides a...

19.193 Descargas

mongoid-mapreduce 0.1.4

Mongoid MapReduce provides simple aggregation features for your Mongoid models

18.683 Descargas

mongoid_cached_document 0.2.0

Adds support for caching Mongoid documents as a field within other Mongoid documents, w...

18.676 Descargas

mongoid_cached_document 0.2.0

Adds support for caching Mongoid documents as a field within other Mongoid documents, w...

18.676 Descargas

mongoid_touch 0.2.0

A tiny mongoid extension to provide the `touch` method known from ActiveRecord to Mongo...

18.207 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.751.325

Para esta versión 2.039.210


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Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
