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Dependencias inversas para bson_ext La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bson_ext

oii_twitter_goodies 0.0.743

OII Twitter Goodies!

44.808 Descargas

oii_twitter_goodies 0.0.743

OII Twitter Goodies!

44.808 Descargas

changeling 0.1.1

A simple, yet flexible solution to tracking changes made to objects in your database.

44.691 Descargas

oauth2-provider 0.0.19

OAuth2 Provider, extracted from

44.371 Descargas

csv_rails 0.7.0

The csv_rails gem provides a download csv file with rails.

44.052 Descargas

brick_layer 0.10.6

Content Management and Endpoint Rails Service Engine

43.258 Descargas

wackamole 0.1.4

This is a companion sinatra app for the Rackamole framework which provides for recordin...

42.781 Descargas

hit_counter 0.1.8

Why roast this chestnut by that open fire, you ask? Cause thousands and thousands of In...

42.215 Descargas

mongoid_acts_as_tree 0.2.0

Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist

41.924 Descargas

simple_metrics 0.4.6


41.773 Descargas

search_magic 0.3.0

Adds scopes to a Mongoid document providing search and sort capabilities on arbitrary f...

41.166 Descargas

hq-log-monitor-server 0.9.0

HQ log monitor system, central component

40.328 Descargas

fail_fast 0.6.0

raises an error if the yaml contents of a config file does pass a test script.

39.496 Descargas

fail_fast 0.6.0

raises an error if the yaml contents of a config file does pass a test script.

39.496 Descargas

uorm 0.0.15

A modular, flexible and lightweight ORM

38.747 Descargas

barnyard_harvester 0.0.13

Performs harvests on data sources and detects adds, changes and deletes.

38.292 Descargas

peace_love 0.2.3

A simple mixin layer for enhancing hashes retrieved from MongoDB. It eschews the normal...

37.920 Descargas

mongoid_migration 0.0.8

ActiveRecord::Migration ported to Mongoid

37.773 Descargas

marc2linkeddata 0.2.1

Utilities for translation of Marc21 records to linked open data.

37.403 Descargas

schnitzelpress 0.2.1

A lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools.

36.817 Descargas

voterable 0.0.10

Hackish implementaiton of voting on of voteable objects by a voter

36.497 Descargas

mongoid_misc 0.0.11

Extensions for Mongoid

36.328 Descargas


Mongo on Speed

35.959 Descargas

central_logger 0.3.3

Centralized logging for rails apps using MongoDB. The idea and the core code is from ht...

34.165 Descargas

mongoid-eager-loading 0.3.1

eager loading for mongoid

34.092 Descargas

rabbithutch 0.1.5

RabbitMq Trace Logger - Listen to multiple RabbitMq instances and log them to a single...

34.014 Descargas

cyclop 0.1.8

Job queue with MongoDB with emphasis on never losing any task even if worker fails hard...

33.916 Descargas

mongodb-graphite-agent 0.1.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

32.846 Descargas

tracco 0.0.20

Tracco is a Trello effort tracker: the purpose of Tracco is to extract and track estima...

32.187 Descargas

run_rabbit_run 0.1.5

RunRabbitRun gem lets to run and manage multiple ruby processes for RabbitMQ

31.985 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.671.258

Para esta versión 2.028.236


Apache License Version 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
