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Dependencias inversas para bson_ext La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bson_ext

gesund-mongo 0.0.2

Plugin for Gesund health checker to check MongoDB health

7.049 Descargas

porthos 3.0.0.beta2

A CMS engine for Ruby On Rails projects using mongodb. Featuring customizable page type...

7.043 Descargas


VinesMod goal is to make full featured XMPP server

6.981 Descargas

hq-mongodb-check-collection-size 0.0.1

HQ MongoDB script to check collection sizes, as a nagios/icinga plugin or from the comm...

6.774 Descargas

rails-mongoid-scheduler 0.1.3

A Rails engine to schedule jobs, handle parallel execution and manage the jobs queue.

6.615 Descargas

mongo-proxy 1.0.1

A proxy server for MongoDB.

6.497 Descargas

tribeca_cms 0.1.1

A custom modification of locomotive

6.352 Descargas

maestrano-rails-test 0.9.4

Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://maestran...

6.250 Descargas

tire-erez 0.5.4

Tire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...

6.199 Descargas

rubygems-crawler 0.1.0

A very simple crawler for used to demo the power of ElasticSearch at RubyC...

6.168 Descargas

vines-mongomapper 0.1.1

Stores Vines user data in MongoMapper.

6.035 Descargas

slugoid4 4.0.0

Drop-in solution to pretty urls when using Mongoid

6.028 Descargas

taxonomite 0.2.3

API documentaiton at: Manages objects classifi...

5.988 Descargas

snapscatter 0.2.1

Geographically distributed and consistent AWS snapshots

5.984 Descargas

oahu-dragonfly 0.8.2

Dragonfly is a framework that enables on-the-fly processing for any content type. It ...

5.535 Descargas

utracker-mongodb 0.0.2

MongoDB backend for utracker.

5.495 Descargas

crunch 0.0.0

Crunch is an alternative MongoDB driver with an emphasis on high concurrency, atomic up...

5.297 Descargas

rails-mongoid-gatekeeper 0.1.3

Provides various access control methods to models and controllers. To use with MongoDB.

5.262 Descargas

mongoid_slug_mongoid_beta_16_compatible 0.5.1

Mongoid Slug generates a URL slug or permalink based on one or more fields in a Mongoid...

5.096 Descargas

as_mongo 0.0.1

add some common usage feature to mongo driver, extend the mongo driver,do not use orm.

5.088 Descargas

daodalus 0.1.1

Take the sting out of building complex MongoDB queries, updates and aggregations.

5.058 Descargas

ascension 0.1.0


4.929 Descargas

ruote-mon 2.3.0

MongoDB storage for ruote (a Ruby workflow engine)

4.916 Descargas

machinist2_mongomapper 0.0.2

does what the summary says

4.899 Descargas

commenter_mongoid 0.1.0

Handles adding comments to models in a very simple way.

4.830 Descargas

mongowiki 1.0.0.pre1

mongowiki is an sinatra-based wiki application, which persists your articles into an mo...

4.802 Descargas

carrierwave_direct_jquery 0.0.1

Process your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3

4.746 Descargas

anagram_solver 0.0.2

Reads a dictionary file and allows a user to find anagrams.

4.731 Descargas

morel 0.0.1

Morel is a mongodb JavaScript AST manager for Ruby.

4.674 Descargas


Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails

4.665 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.949.905

Para esta versión 2.058.335

Versión publicada:


Apache License Version 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
