RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para bson_ext La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bson_ext

af-client_side_validations 3.1.4.af3

Client Side Validations

8.039 Descargas

marbu 0.1.1

Integrate fancy MapReduce Bulding functionality with one gem install

8.025 Descargas

geo_mongo 1.0.2

8.002 Descargas

memdash 0.1.0

A dashboard for your memcache

7.984 Descargas

fuzzzy 0.0.2

Fuzzy Search client and server

7.940 Descargas

gem_stats 0.0.2

Just put gemstats your_gem_name and have a pleasure to see full statistic for this gem

7.825 Descargas

simplestats 0.1.0

A Sinatra application that makes it easy to collect and store web statistics

7.785 Descargas

mitamirri 2.0.8

Mitamirri is a Rails engine designed to be a drop-in substitute for (or companion to) G...

7.780 Descargas

mongo_mapper-paranoia 0.0.2

Mongo Mapper ActsAsParanoid Plugin, modeled after Ryan Bigg's plugin

7.687 Descargas

motr-cargo 0.0.2

motr-cargo is a collection of Motr mods that add functionality for managing and deliver...

7.674 Descargas

mongoid_noteable 0.0.3

Mongoid Noteable adds news feature to models

7.620 Descargas

dashing_storage 0.0.2

Add storage feature to the Dashing dashboard (mongoDb support)

7.601 Descargas

mongoid_upk 0.1.0

Mongoid::UPK generates more unique `_id` by using UUID.

7.600 Descargas

mongo_utils 0.1.0

A collection of utilities for working with MongoDB.

7.564 Descargas

mongoid-mirrored 0.0.3

Create mirrors of root documents embeded in other models and keep them in sync

7.562 Descargas

oauth2_provider_engine 0.0.2

Drop this in your app, and client apps can easily use omniauth with oauth2 to use it as...

7.556 Descargas

seedlings 0.0.2

An ActiveModel (MongoMapper/Mongoid/ActiveRecord 3+) compliant seed data handler for an...

7.460 Descargas


Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...

7.449 Descargas


Qu::Delayed is basic sheduler for Qu queue system.

7.437 Descargas

paresseux 0.0.2

Lazy migration tool for active model aware model.

7.435 Descargas

exception-ketchup 0.2.0

Rails exception handling happens with ActionController extension and Mongoid support.

7.418 Descargas

adamhunter-client_side_validations 2.9.10

Client Side Validations for Rails 2.x and 3.x

7.358 Descargas

adamhunter-client_side_validations 2.9.10

Client Side Validations for Rails 2.x and 3.x

7.358 Descargas

adamhunter-client_side_validations 2.9.10

Client Side Validations for Rails 2.x and 3.x

7.358 Descargas

transit 0.0.2

Transit is a content management and delivery engine designed for use with Rails 3.1+ Mo...

7.323 Descargas

rack-mongo 0.0.4

Save data into your mongo collections through a rack app

7.314 Descargas

sc2cinch 0.1.1

Display your current ladder rank, report the outcome of games, and more

7.304 Descargas

mongoid-graph 0.0.5

Undirected graph implementation for Mongoid

7.191 Descargas

load_balanced_tire 0.11

Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...

7.158 Descargas

redpack-ruby 0.2.0

Redis + MsgPack RPC Server, Client Library

7.112 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.949.716

Para esta versión 2.058.306

Versión publicada:


Apache License Version 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
