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brakeman 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 brakeman

peoplefinder 0.1.1

The peoplefinder provides searchable staff profiles for your organisation. Since it's a...

8,013 下載

ruby_ci 0.2.5

Ruby wrapper for creating RubyCI integrations

7,814 下載

devise_jwt_controllers 0.1.3

A gem to generate documentation out of tests.

7,636 下載

activerecord_mass_insert 0.2.0

Mass Insert For ActiveRecord via Postgresql json_to_recordset

7,363 下載

metrics_satellite 0.0.2

MetricsSatellite collects your rails application metrics

7,339 下載

quality_meter 1.0.0

QualityMeter is a common platform for rails application quality controll.

7,276 下載

rubynas 0.1.0.pre.3

The ruby based nas system

6,451 下載

hscode 0.1.2

Quickly look up any status code without leaving your terminal.

6,199 下載

brakefast 0.0.2

runtime brakeman notifier like bullet

5,794 下載

cms9 0.2.1

Small CMS Admin module for Rails

5,407 下載

schoolmaster 0.0.2

A gem that runs your tests, static codeanalysis, security and best practice checks.

5,362 下載

edo 0.1.1

Write better code–together–by using these reports to make sure the changes you're commi...

5,104 下載

correspondent 1.0.1

Dead simple configurable user notifications with little overhead.

4,660 下載

kiq_tock 0.1.2

Define peridic jobs in readable text and YAML

4,659 下載

veracode_api_signing 1.1.0

Veracode hmac signing library used with Veracode API

4,602 下載

eastrails 0.0.5

Create a first basic default website for new East Agile clients

4,486 下載

repo_analyzer 1.6.0

Rails engine to extract technical debt

4,362 下載

whiteprint 0.1.1

Whiteprint allows you to define attributes within your models. This definition allows f...

4,278 下載

changed 1.2.0

4,141 下載

dependency-trees 0.0.8

Tool for better visualizing and managing dependencies

3,935 下載

rush_job 0.6.1

Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine.

3,813 下載

app_reporter 1.0.0

Code quality report through metric_fu and brakeman gem

3,676 下載

jumpup-stats 0.0.1

Rake task to send scores to dashboard.

3,627 下載

code_optimization 0.1.3

The best way to write a code called as code optimization. The best ways are ruby styleg...

3,500 下載

code_analytics 0.2.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3,364 下載

assistant 0.0.2

Simple, composable services

2,885 下載

rails-scope 0.0.1

Ruby gem that allows nVisium to accurately and automatically scope a Ruby on Rails appl...

2,880 下載

owasp-glue 0.9.0

Glue detects security vulnerabilities in code.

2,745 下載

maquina 0.4.0

Build Rails applications focusing on your business problem not the code.

2,688 下載

corzinus 0.1.0

Simple cart-checkout for your store

2,612 下載

總下載次數 125,628,796

這個版本 4,059,170


Brakeman Public Use License

Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0
