RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour bootstrap Latest version of the following gems require bootstrap

telegram_chatbot 0.1.3

TelegramChatbot setting with chatgroup.

3 846 Téléchargements


Esta biblioteca segue o modelo de segurança em nível de linha associado ao controle de ...

3 836 Téléchargements

mini_blog 0.1.1

Markdown Blog/Memo.

3 511 Téléchargements

one_page_wonder 0.1.1

Allows someone to easily install the one-page-wonder theme for bootstrap 4 applications

3 468 Téléchargements

riddler_admin 0.2.0

Admin Rails engine for Riddler

3 459 Téléchargements

vendr 0.1.0

Full featured, fast, reliable, open source Rails e-commerce engine

3 392 Téléchargements

bootstrap5_helper 1.1.2

Rails helpers for generating Bootstrap 5 components.

3 171 Téléchargements

fontcustom_canvas 0.1.2

This gem for font customization of canvas-lms

2 944 Téléchargements

bootstrap4_rails_components 0.1.0

Implementation of view helper methods that utilize robust options and traits to generat...

2 753 Téléchargements

geoblacklight_admin 0.4.1

Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.

2 645 Téléchargements

aki-operations 1.0.0

Manage your users' operations (permissions to execute some actions) in your application.

2 403 Téléchargements

iconly 1.0.0

Store SVG and generate your web font icons with Iconly.

2 391 Téléchargements

anchor_ui 0.1.0

UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.

2 260 Téléchargements

seamess 0.1.0

A Contemporary Content Management System

2 191 Téléchargements


UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.

2 176 Téléchargements

microservice 0.0.1

Description of Microservice.

2 159 Téléchargements

argon_admin 0.1.0

Generates admin panel based on Argon Dashboard for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim. Project...

2 148 Téléchargements

jekyll-theme-clean-portfolio 1.0.1

A clean jekyll theme for your Blog and Portfolio website

2 109 Téléchargements

dark_horizontal_template_minton 0.1.0

Template Dark Horizontal Minton for AdminPage.

2 101 Téléchargements

guider_cms 1.4.0

A cms system to create basic pages such as about us, privacy policies, user guides and ...

2 100 Téléchargements

vinova_template_admin 0.1.0

Template Horizontal for Admin.

1 942 Téléchargements

landing_boi 0.1.0

Rails engine for micro-SaaS landing pages.

1 654 Téléchargements

harpiya_frontend 4.3.0.alpha

Frontend e-commerce functionality for the Harpiya project.

1 448 Téléchargements

granar 0.1.1

Description of RbacRls.

611 Téléchargements

hyperlayer 0.2

Debug Ruby apps 10x faster.

522 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 17 526 137

Pour cette version 5 404



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3.3
