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croc 1.0.0

Croc indexes your locally installed rdocs and generates an HTML page with a quick searc...

5,298 下載

mm-nested-attributes 0.1.0

A port of ActiveRecord's nested attributes functionality for MongoMapper.

5,253 下載

germinate 1.2.0

Germinate is a tool for writing about code. With Germinate, the source code IS the art...

5,064 下載

germinate-atompub 1.0.0

An Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) plugin for Germinate.

5,062 下載

githubbub 1.0.0

What you're looking for is over on GitHub, bub! This little gem will build an "au...

5,020 下載

germinate-gist 1.0.0

A Germinate plugin for publishing source code to the Gist service (http://gist.github.c...

4,969 下載

wijet-launchy 2.0.6

Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget ...

4,908 下載

jamesgolick-webby 0.9.5

*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...

4,816 下載

slither-ruby19 0.99.3

(Temporary fork of slither gem that works with ruby 1.9) A simple, clean DSL for descri...

4,748 下載

ruby-config 0.0.1

A different interface for the user-choices gem. The config can now be instantiated as a...

4,728 下載

jeremymcanally-pending 0.1

pending lets you define a block of test code that is currently "pending" functionality,...

4,706 下載

sinotify 0.0.2

ALPHA Alert -- just uploaded initial release. Linux inotify is a means to receive eve...

4,702 下載

osx_watchfolder 1.0.1

osx_watchfolder is a tiny gem to take advantages of OSX 10.5's folder watching function...

4,625 下載

ruby_service_helper 0.1.0

Simple declarative configuration for running ruby programs as win32 services using win3...

4,588 下載

openlogic-turn 0.8.2

TURN is a new way to view Test::Unit results. With longer running tests, it can be very...

4,585 下載

threetee-roart 0.1.4

Interface for working with Request Tracker (RT) tickets inspired by ActiveRecord.

4,561 下載

viitelaskuri 0.1.0

A collection of methods for calculating finnish bank references.

4,558 下載


WWMD was originally intended to provide a console helper tool for conducting web appli...

4,558 下載

ffi-k8055 0.5.0

A ruby-ffi binding to libk8055, an open source library to access Velleman's k8055 USB b...

4,557 下載

tannins 0.6

Variables: user group use_nginx application mongrel_servers precedence server_name ssl...

4,550 下載

thumbo 0.6.0

create thumbnails via RMagick

4,533 下載

paperclip_mogilefs_storage_ennder 0.9.5

Modifies the support of a Mogilefs server to store the images with the Paperclip Plugin...

4,515 下載

git-prepare-merge 1.0.1

Git Scripts to ease the merging of review branches into develop.

4,513 下載

tanning_bed_solr 0.0.1

This is the solr binary packaged up for easy inclusion with Tanning Bed

4,506 下載

tanning_bed 0.1.1

Tanning Bed is Solr for models. Tanning Bed provides a Ruby interface for the Solr (htt...

4,467 下載

sgeorgi-logging 1.4.2

Logging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of J...

4,456 下載

pallet-ops 0.0.1

A gem for using pallet

4,439 下載

finna_be_ninja 0.0.1

Cheap hack to bundle RHEL5 binaries for tesseract-ocr

4,407 下載

keyring-kwallet 0.1.0

KWallet backend for keyring gem.

4,395 下載

lossfully 0.0.0

Smartly generate transcoded (lossy or not) versions of your main music library.

4,236 下載

總下載次數 340,754

這個版本 3,119



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
