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bones-rcov 1.0.1

The rcov package for Mr Bones provides tasks for running rcov over your unit tests and ...

11,600 下載

bones-rcov 1.0.1

The rcov package for Mr Bones provides tasks for running rcov over your unit tests and ...

11,600 下載

eee-c-couch_design_docs 1.1.0

Manage CouchDB views and documents.

11,517 下載

dima-ruboss4ruby 1.1.2

The Ruboss Framework brings the design principles and productivity of Rails to Flex de...

11,515 下載

dbtop 0.1.1

Similar to the Unix 'top' tool, this Ruby gem will provide process monitoring for your ...

11,512 下載

emonti-wxirb 1.0.3

A wxwidgets-based IRB-like ruby console

11,232 下載

semantic_hacker 0.0.3

Semantic Signatures® are a new way of representing and analyzing semantic information ...

11,199 下載

godfat-friendly_format 0.7.0

make user input be valid xhtml and format it with gsub("\n", "<br/>") etc. you ca...

10,908 下載

template_builder 0.3.0

Template-builder is a handy tool that builds a template for your new Ruby on Rails proj...

10,830 下載

auspost 0.8.6

Give you the ability to search the Australia Post Web site with either Suburb or Postco...

10,802 下載

ryanwood-slither 0.99.3

A simple, clean DSL for describing, writing, and parsing fixed-width text files.

10,598 下載

TwP-loquacious 1.3.0

Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby. Loquacious provides a very o...

10,328 下載

raggi-srvany_manager 0.2.1

A quick and simple manager for running programs as services on win32. Makes use of / r...

10,176 下載

cap-taffy 0.0.3

Capistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.

10,023 下載

cannery 0.1.1

Cannery helps you deploy better with JRuby.

9,881 下載

caching_matcher 0.1.1

An rspec custom matcher to assert Rails action and fragment caching.

9,753 下載

rack-i18n_routes 0.3

rack-i18n_routes is a Rack middleware component that internally re-routes URLS that hav...

9,689 下載

conditions_fu 0.5.1

A little DSL to allow you to map url parameters to an Active Record conditions array.

9,514 下載

exception_string 0.1.2

Provides clean exception formatting as a string, which resembles native output formats ...

9,404 下載

inifile_alt 2.0.2

Although made popular by Windows, INI files can be used on any system thanks to their f...

9,295 下載

epoch 0.1.1

* Ruby library used to create patterns of time (temporal expressions)

9,134 下載

cjohansen-juicer 0.2.5

Juicer is a command line tool that helps you ship frontend code for production. High l...

9,130 下載

gorgyrella 0.0.2

FIXME (describe your package)

8,677 下載

hsume2-cap-taffy 1.0.1

Capistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.

8,458 下載

godfat-pagify 0.6.2

Pagination tools for Array(or custom class), DataMapper and ActiveRecord

8,410 下載

rack-streaming-proxy2 1.0.3

Streaming proxy for Rack, the rainbows to Rack::Proxy's unicorn. With SSL Support

8,322 下載

mp3renamer 0.0.3

This program takes an MP3 audiobook and renames the subdirs and files using a consisten...

8,290 下載

Neurogami-ghissues 0.1.4

CLI app to interact with GitHub 'issues' API

8,151 下載


The avant-garde fork of Jimpanzee

8,150 下載

tiny_xml_builder 0.0.4

A very simple XML builder class. + I wanted something really simple that I could easily...

8,139 下載

總下載次數 340,535

這個版本 3,104



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
