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github-bridge 1.0.2

The bridge between public GitHub ( and private GitHub (GitHub Enterprise, gi...

4,189 下载

rfc-822-validator 0.0.1

Implementation of RFC-822

4,174 下载

sql_munger 0.0.7

SQL manipulation without a db connection

4,140 下载

rmasalov-surpass 0.1.0

Surpass is writing (and eventually reading) excel workbooks in pure Ruby. Surpass is ba...

4,113 下载

slayer-surpass 0.1.0

Surpass is writing (and eventually reading) excel workbooks in pure Ruby. Surpass is ba...

4,100 下载

nvidia-smi 0.1.1

Get informations about the system's GPU(s), through nvidia-smi.

4,023 下载

o-inifile 4.0.1

IniFile is a pure ruby gem that can read and write most INI file formats

3,926 下载

atomist-rubington 1.0.0

The idea is to add dc & surrounding areas (VA&MD) services into a gem.

3,918 下载

bdericks-lightline 1.0.0

Commandline interface for viewing Lighthouse tickets

3,902 下载


*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...

3,780 下载

dysinger-webby 0.9.4

*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...

3,692 下载

polylog 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,607 下载

iZsh-wwmd 0.2.19

WWMD was originally intended to provide a console helper tool for conducting web appli...

3,589 下载

ffi-ffi 0.5.0

Ruby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding fu...

3,565 下载

iZsh-ragweed 0.1.8

Scriptable debugger written in Ruby for OSX, Wind32 and Linux

3,554 下载

devver-germinate-gist 1.0.0

A Germinate plugin for publishing source code to the Gist service (http://gist.github.c...

3,536 下载

Sutto-em-redis 0.1.1

An EventMachine[] based library for interacting with the ve...

3,517 下载


*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...

3,511 下载

emonti-jdi_hook 1.0.0

JdiHook is a ruby-scriptable Java debugger based on and around Sun's Java Debugging In...

3,503 下载

giraffesoft-webby 0.9.5

*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...

3,467 下载

wildbit-newsberry 1.0.0

Simple package that allows you to manage your newsberry contacts.

3,461 下载

guitsaru-rails_backup 1.0.0

Automatically backup your rails database and other files to a git repository.

3,458 下载

godfat-thumbo 0.5.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,412 下载

Neurogami-restafarian 0.1.0

A bit of Rack middleware to do REST routing

3,404 下载

godfat-dm-is-reflective 0.8.0

DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...

3,404 下载

godfat-app-deploy 0.5.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,402 下载

underlog-unpacker 1.0.0

Small library for unpacking various archives, extracted from Beanstalk (http://beanstal...

3,402 下载

Neurogami-wiiremotejruby 0.1.0

Nicer Ruby wrapper using the WiiRemoteJ library.

3,393 下载

swerling-synapse 0.0.1

Synapse is a web application framework that does practically nothing. Basically this i...

3,392 下载

kevwil-hellotxt 1.0.1

HelloTxt ( is a simple service that makes updating your social netw...

3,387 下载

下载总量 340,838

这个版本 3,125



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
