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Dépendances inversées pour benchmark-ips Latest version of the following gems require benchmark-ips

brainguy 0.0.1

A somewhat fancy observer pattern library with features like named events and scoped su...

9 085 Téléchargements

manager 0.1.1

Manager generates a user's manual and a developer's chart simultaneously from a single ...

8 930 Téléchargements

vinted-blurrily 1.3.0

Native fuzzy string search

8 911 Téléchargements

rock_motive 1.0.0.beta4

RockMotive provides DCI architecture to Rails

8 874 Téléchargements

ox-builder 1.0.2

DSL for easily building XML documents using ox

8 667 Téléchargements

composed 1.0.0

Tool for defining types or operations that are composed from other types.

8 241 Téléchargements

chickpea 0.2.2

A simple stash

8 098 Téléchargements

faceter 0.1.0

ROM-compatible data mapper

8 093 Téléchargements

thymeleaf 0.1.3

Thymeleaf template engine for Ruby

7 891 Téléchargements

wpm 0.2.0

Increase typing speed and keep track of WPM history

7 884 Téléchargements

multiples 0.1.3

Creates enumerators that step through integers from a union of two multiples. A pattern...

7 659 Téléchargements

selector 0.0.3

Composable multi-type conditions.

7 562 Téléchargements

rubex 0.1.2

A Ruby-like language for writing Ruby C extensions. Rubex keeps you happy even when wr...

7 532 Téléchargements

countless 1.2.0

This gem includes reusable code statistics / annotations helpers / Rake tasks.

7 455 Téléchargements

kiriban_getter 0.1.2

Check number whether kiriban

7 057 Téléchargements

mimetype 1.3.0

A fast, modern, and up-to-date MimeType library.

6 926 Téléchargements

rack-bodyparser 1.0.0

Rack Middleware for parsing request body without touching or mixing in request.params.

6 449 Téléchargements

benchable 0.3.1

Write benchmarks without the hassle

6 412 Téléchargements

hescape 0.1.1

Fast HTML escape utility

6 326 Téléchargements

tenpai_wakaru_man 2.0.0


6 307 Téléchargements

byte_buffer 0.1.0

Fast native implementation of byte buffer intended to be used as part of frame based pr...

6 151 Téléchargements

ruby_box 1.0.0

RubyBox allows the execution of untrusted Ruby code safely in a sandbox.

6 021 Téléchargements

u-log 0.2.0

U::Log is a very simple logging library made for humans

5 994 Téléchargements

graphql-idl-parser 0.1.1

A parser for the GraphQL IDL format.

5 810 Téléchargements

hamdown_core 0.5.3

Parser of Hamlit template language

5 736 Téléchargements

fast_blank_java 0.0.2

an attempt at a fast_blank for JRuby

5 331 Téléchargements

prime_8 0.1.2

A brief excercise and exploration of primes. cli, benchmarks and tests between diffent ...

5 201 Téléchargements

benchmark-sweet 0.2.2

Benchmark Sweet is a suite to run multiple kinds of metrics. It can be configured to ...

5 145 Téléchargements

snaptime 22.0.0

Multi-threaded job backend with database queuing for ruby.

4 889 Téléchargements

tracecap_opentelemetry 0.1.2

Exports OpenTelemetry spans via USDT for tracecap ingestion

4 839 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 54 498 285

Pour cette version 1 381 563



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
