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bcrypt 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 bcrypt

yellin 0.1.2

Minimalistic Rails engine providing user registration, authentication, and password reset.

5,953 下载

lygneo-vines 0.1.5

Lygneo-vines is a Vines fork build for lygneo integration. DO NOT use it unless you kno...

5,919 下载

one_time_password 0.2.1

This Gem can be used to create 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) function, email address ...

5,882 下载

enzoic 1.4.0

Ruby library for Enzoic API

5,776 下载

fixings 0.1.2

Easy rails setup with infrastructure and a bunch of handy correctness pieces

5,544 下载

slots-jwt 0.1.1

Token Authentication for Rails using JWT. Slots is designed to keep JWT stateless and m...

5,482 下载

rails_auth 1.0.6


5,465 下载

anoubis_sso_server 1.0.5

Library for create basic SSO Server based on OAUTH authentication for simplify deployment.

5,452 下载

noteshred 1.0.2

NoteShred is a service to send and receive encrypted, password protected notes that aut...

5,441 下载

thyng 0.1.0

Create Ruby objects with public state to encourage their storage as data only collectio...

5,414 下载

revise_auth 0.7.1

Hotwire compatible authentication for Ruby on Rails apps

5,396 下载

password_encryptor 1.0.1

Simple wrapper for BCrypt library to encrypt your passwords.

5,380 下载

noms-command 2.1.1

Interpreter for server-defined command-line interfaces

5,261 下载

pasta_rails 0.0.6

Strong defaults, easy-to-use password hashing tools

5,177 下载

witness_protection 0.0.1.pre2

Rails library that lets you have an encrypted identities for your active record models.

5,128 下载

ribbon-encrypted_store 0.2.0

Provides the EncryptedStore mixin

5,104 下载

goserv-user 0.0.1.alpha.22

Provides an API to create and authenticate goserv users

4,989 下载


For use with client side single page apps such as the venerable

4,920 下载

devise_meteor 0.1.1

This app closes the gap between the huge world of ruby and meteor through devise. Simpl...

4,889 下载

client_manager 0.1.1

This gem provides views to add users (probably front-end or mobile developers) to your ...

4,791 下载

aerogel-users 1.4.3

User management for aerogel

4,742 下载

hanami_id 0.2.1

Fully-fledged flexible authentication solution based on Bcrypt and Warden. Instead of m...

4,655 下载

keyper 0.2.0

Add API keys to a Ruby on Rails application

4,387 下载

authenticatable 1.1.0

Authentication solution for Ruby on Rails

4,081 下载

brainsome_devise 3.3.0

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

4,069 下载

pelita 0.2.0

Pelita is a configurable glue microframework for building API in ruby that focus in sim...

4,048 下载

sequel_auth 0.0.7

Plugin to add authentication methods to Sequel Model

3,999 下载

obscured-doorman 0.4.1

Doorman is a front of Warden used by Obscured and it's applications

3,852 下载

atheneum 0.0.1

Simply declare attributes that require obscuring and that will make it so. ...

3,822 下载

api_guardian 1.0.0.pre.beta1

Drop in authorization and authentication suite for Rails APIs. Features include use...

3,818 下载

下载总量 271,085,006

这个版本 9,545,909



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
