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aws-sdk-s3 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-s3

phcdevworks_accounts_devise 1.1.1

Ruby on Rails 7 Authentication and User Management Engine using Devise with a nice-look...

6,685 下載

selectel-s3 0.2.2

selectel( s3 uploading files

6,556 下載

shrine-lambda 0.1.1

AWS Lambda integration plugin for Shrine File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications....

6,505 下載

stellar-core-backup 0.0.7

A helper script to backup a stellar-core node

6,287 下載

athena-utils 0.2.3

Tools for querying AWS Athena

6,070 下載

zuora_connect_oauth_alpha 2.11

Description of Connect.

5,938 下載

shy_flag 0.1.7

a temp solution for setting control flag

5,411 下載

fluent-plugin-cloudfront-log-optimized 0.2.0

AWS CloudFront log input plugin for fluentd. Upstream appears to be unmaintained.

5,285 下載

s3grep 0.1.8

Tools for searching files on S3

5,258 下載

fastlane_hotfix 2.187.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

5,126 下載

aq 0.1.0

Command Line Tool for AWS Athena (bq command like)

4,908 下載

dockable 0.3.0

Some helpers for launching Ruby apps inside Docker

4,792 下載

activestorage-digitalocean 0.0.1

A library for interacting with DigitalOcean Spaces through ActiveStorage

4,730 下載

easys3 1.0.1

Put files to s3 & get files from s3 with single line of code.

4,690 下載

aion-s3 1.0.1

A tool for compressing, encrypting and uploading files to AWS S3

4,648 下載

simplerubysteps 0.0.13

simplerubysteps makes it easy to manage AWS Step Functions with ruby (this is an early ...

4,575 下載

s3-antivirus 0.2.0

Detects if files uploaded to s3 contain a virus with ClamAV and auto-deletes or tags them

4,562 下載

kybus-configs 0.2.2

Provides helpers for making configs easy

4,406 下載

panda_cms 0.5.7

Better websites on Rails.

4,314 下載

aws_beanstalk_tunkki 1.0.2

Tool for deploying your app to AWS ElasticBeanstalk.

4,305 下載

emblaze 0.2.0

Simple rake task to deploy a static website to aws s3 Minifies and gzips assets. Re...

4,205 下載

rspec-remote_fixtures 0.2.1

Allow rspec to fetch fixture files on demand.

4,197 下載

fastlane-plugin-s3_cert 0.1.1

Store and install encrypted Certs from s3

4,111 下載

kvmultiplex-s3 0.1.4

A KVMultiplex provider for Credstash, using AWS SDK V3.

4,090 下載

shrine-aws-lambda 0.2.1

AWS Lambda integration plugin for Shrine File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications....

4,031 下載

brightcove_service 0.1.1

BrightcoveService Wrapper for Ruby

4,013 下載

deadpull 0.1.1

Share config securely with your servers and organization using AWS S3.

3,986 下載

rake-remote-file 0.1.2

Rake DSL extensions for managing a file at a remote location

3,911 下載

uc3-dmp-s3 0.0.7

Helpers for read/write to S3

3,812 下載

aws_s3_website_sync 1.1.0

AWS S3 Website Sync

3,785 下載

總下載次數 780,780,851

這個版本 791,302




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
