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aws-sdk-s3 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-s3

tp_common 0.4.9

Common libraries used for TINYpulse apps. i.e. Timezone, ...

44,949 下載

alephant-harness 1.0.0

More Stuff

44,276 下載

exercism_config 0.32.0

Retrieves stored config for Exercism

43,524 下載

lucid-cumulus 0.11.21

Cumulus allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure by creating JSON configuration fil...

42,901 下載

carraway 1.5.0

GatsbyJS backend

41,655 下載

fluent-plugin-cloudfront-log-v0.14-fix 0.1.2

AWS CloudFront log input plugin for fluentd. This repo is temporary until PR to upstrea...

41,561 下載

s3_asset_deploy 1.0.3

Deploy & manage static assets on S3 with rolling deploys & rollbacks in mind.

40,738 下載

swa 0.8.6

AWS, backwards

40,077 下載

fastlane-ext 1.0.23

fastlane ext

39,220 下載

rack-s3 1.0.0

Serve static files from S3 via Rack

38,994 下載

redshift-connector-data_file 7.3.1

Utility classes for exported data files from Redshift

37,434 下載

mingle-storage 0.1.0

Mingle storage API to support filesystem and AWS S3 backed storage

37,341 下載

shipitron 1.4.1

A deployment tool for use with Docker and ECS.

36,692 下載

fyt 1.3.1

Downloads a youtube channel and its videos and stores them locally as a podcatcher-frie...

36,624 下載

zapp_sdk_tasks 0.6.0

Zapp sdks related common tasks

36,468 下載

pipedream 0.4.8

A beautiful and powerful DSL to create and manage AWS CodePipeline pipelines

36,405 下載

data_migrater 1.2.0

Generates Data Migrations on Migrate style.

36,316 下載

sonic-screwdriver 2.2.7

Multi-functional tool to manage AWS infrastructure

35,270 下載


34,316 下載

cocoapods-s3-download 0.0.3

Host pods files on AWS S3 and download them using pre-signed URL.

34,102 下載

cfn-vpn 1.5.0

creates and manages resources for the aws client vpn

34,022 下載

bizside 3.0.1

Bizside is an utilities to assist building web application.

32,998 下載

attachie 2.0.0

Declarative and flexible attachments

32,729 下載

covalence 0.9.9

A tool for the management and orchestration of data used by HashiCorp infrastructure to...

32,408 下載

mys3ql 1.3.1

Simple backup of your MySql database onto Amazon S3.

31,436 下載

bulk-processor 0.8.0

Bulk upload data in a file (e.g. CSV), process in the background, then send a success o...

31,396 下載

faster_s3_url 1.1.0

Generate public and presigned AWS S3 GET URLs faster

30,949 下載

cantemo-portal-agent 1.3.4

Library for interacting with Cantemo Portal.

30,301 下載

pipe_fitter 0.2.8

PipeFitter is a tool for AWS Data Pipeline.

29,987 下載

cardtapp-cloudformation-ruby-dsl 0.0.1.pre.3

Ruby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.

28,088 下載

總下載次數 780,720,786

這個版本 751,321




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
