aws-sdk-cloudwatch 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-cloudwatch
awshark 1.6.0
Custom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation
9,538 下载
yabeda-cloudwatch 0.1.4
Yabeda AWS Cloudwatch adapter
3,553 下载
fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-put-timestamp 0.1.1
Cloudwatch put metric plugin for fluentd.
2,481 下载
jcf 0.1.0
Gather metrics from AWS for CloudFoundry installations
1,984 下载
ElasticGraph gem that monitors OpenSearch CPU utilization to autoscale indexer lambda c...
1,958 下载
kobanzame 0.0.8
kobanzame collects resources for ecs task.
1,930 下载
hibernate 0.1.7
A Ruby gem to automate the shutdown and start of our EC2 instances
1,183 下载
en-aws-synchronizer 0.2.2
You can sync aws ec2, volume, eip, rds, vpc, subnet, security groups to your aws model ...
1,061 下载
request_queue_time 0.2.0
Used by ECS stacks for Teamtailor
891 下载
circleci-tools 0.1.0
Collection of CircleCI-related utilities under one gem.
177 下载