aws-sdk-autoscaling 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-autoscaling
asg-detailer 0.3.0
Produce details of an existing infrastructure built with typical ASG & ELB setup.
9,375 下載
aws_ami_cleanup 1.1
Script for deleting obsolete AMIs
7,016 下載
asg-rebooter 0.0.3
See summary.
6,063 下載
capistrano3-asg-deploy 1.0.2
Get all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.
3,633 下載
capistrano3-asg-ami 1.0.1
Capistrano 3 plugin for updating AWS Launch Template AMI with autoscale group first hea...
3,421 下載
en-aws-synchronizer 0.2.2
You can sync aws ec2, volume, eip, rds, vpc, subnet, security groups to your aws model ...
1,066 下載
capistrano-elb-autoscaling 1.0.0
Capistrano plugin for deploying to AWS Auto Scaling Group.
902 下載
capistrano3-aws-asg-deploy 1.0.2
Get all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.
583 下載