RubyGems Navigation menu

autotest 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 autotest

crx_packmgr_api_client 1.3.0

API for interacting with the CRX Package Manager in AEM.

14,097 下载

tick 0.1.3

Tick benchmark your method and print it in color

14,079 下载

swagger_client 1.0.0

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

13,911 下载


Telestream Cloud Timed Text Speech SDK

13,879 下载

httpi-ntlm 0.9.6

HTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries.

13,875 下载

fastout 0.0.3

Detect outliers in high-dimension data sets using the FASTOUT algorithm by Foss et. al

13,711 下载

roca 0.0.4

This is a very experimental Ruby library for OpenNebula's XML-RPC API

13,109 下载

fast-mailer 0.2.0

Helps with sending emails fast, and with convenient configuration.

12,731 下载

metatron_ruby_client 0.1.3

A client to utilise the bibliographic data and work set groupings in Metatron

12,617 下载

jabber-tee 0.2.0

Installs the 'jabber-tee' utility for sending messages to a remote jabber server. Inst...

12,586 下载

cached_belongs_to 0.0.3

Denormalize your belongs_to associations

12,401 下载

vizzuality-sequel-rails 0.3.7

Integrate Sequel with Rails 3

12,364 下载

rubaiji 0.1.2

Ruby bindings for NetBaiji API

12,280 下载

dunkstewart-blogbits 0.4.0

no really! that's it!

12,268 下载

rea-netscaler-cli 0.5.9

This gem installs several simple command line utilities locally. It uses the NSConfig....

12,034 下载

pipeline_publisher_ruby 1.0.3

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

12,019 下载

aspose_diagram_cloud 20.3

Ruby library for communicating with the Aspose.Diagram Cloud API

11,512 下载

mongoid_nested_fields 0.1.3

MongoidNestedFields allows you to handle complex data structures inside one field in Mo...

11,466 下载

ics 0.2.1

Parse exported .ics files into Event objects.

11,410 下载

swf_train 1.0.0

A simple and flexible Rails helper for embedding SWFs in your views.

11,372 下载

qwil_api 0.1.5

API client for the Qwil API.

11,254 下载

cooler 0.0.3

Mini ORM, agnostic to key value store databases

11,152 下载

instance_variable_hash 1.1.0

get and set @under_scored_instance_variables as recursive Hash

11,039 下载

fn_ruby 0.2.1

Ruby gem for Fn Project.

10,997 下载

MailchimpSDKPlayground 1.1.2

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

10,954 下载

session_manager 0.0.6

"module that create,delete and verify users' and apps' sessions"

10,862 下载

krk-timetables 0.1.2

This is a gem parsing Cracow MPK timetables from the website and returnin...

10,841 下载

rps 0.0.3

ps for Ruby processes

10,820 下载

crelate_client 1.0.6

Crelate client generated with swagger-codegen

10,684 下载

microsoft_ngram 0.0.4

A simple wrapper for Bing's ngram API

10,654 下载

下载总量 1,529,719

这个版本 49,529




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
