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autotest 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 autotest

fboauth2 0.1.4

simple facebook auth

26,143 下载

tropo_rest 0.1.2

A simple wrapper for the Tropo REST API to manipulate applications, addresses, exchange...

25,911 下载

blueprint_ruby_client 0.5.4

A client to utilise the hierarchy modelling abilities of Blueprint

25,729 下载

phat_pgsearch 0.1.7

a plugin for tssearch support from postgresql

25,721 下载

tengine_event 1.2.2

Tengine Event API to access the queue

25,578 下载

treezor_client 2.1.1

Treezor API. More info at Generated by Cashbee https://www.cas...

25,233 下载

signrequest_client 1.2.0

This gem maps to a SignRequest API

24,984 下载

simplyrets 2.0.1

This gem provides a SimplyRETS SDK for creating real estate software with RETS data

24,845 下载

xtrn 0.1.6

Manage your externals without locking yourself into a single source control system.

24,819 下载

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,769 下载

analdiffist 0.4.0

A tool for comparing the complexity and code smells between two git revisions

24,289 下载

rails_paginate 0.0.7

a new rails 3 paginate plugin as will_paginate replacement

23,892 下载

dozuki 0.4.0

A simple way of extracting various elements from an Nokogiri document using XPaths

23,692 下载

reservoir 0.1.2

Helps manage cloud-based server instances by enumerating, comparing and diff'ing applic...

22,903 下载

jirapong-apn_on_rails 0.5.2

APN on Rails is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows you to easily add Apple Push Notifica...

22,826 下载

soap5r 2.0.3

An updated implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.

22,789 下载

whats_up 1.2.2

Determine what methods can be called on an object that return a given value

22,346 下载

cloudmersive-nlp-api-client 3.0.3

The powerful Natural Language Processing APIs let you perform part of speech tagging, e...

22,077 下载

ruby-alsa 0.8

Play and record sound via ALSA library

21,800 下载

bf_ruby2 3.2017.174

A (machine-generated) Ruby SDK for interacting with the BillForward API.

21,553 下载

in_json 0.0.6

JSON serialization for Rails. Straight-forward attributes. Only serialize what you want...

21,501 下载

tengine_resource 1.2.2

tengine_resource provides physical/virtual server management

20,870 下载

banking_date_tools 0.1.0

Banking Date Tools

20,382 下载

open_taobao 0.2.2


20,328 下载

esi_client 1.4.0

An OpenAPI for EVE Online

20,104 下载

telestream_cloud_flip 2.0.1

Telestream Cloud Flip SDK

19,648 下载

MandrillSDKPlayground 1.1.2

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

19,579 下载

dozuki-mapper 0.1.2

A DSL for mapping API output to objects

19,556 下载

roman_numbers 0.1.1

Conversion between Decimals and Roman Numbers

19,540 下载

toppings 0.0.9

css frontend framework based on sass/scss

18,854 下载

下载总量 1,529,694

这个版本 49,524




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
