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autotest 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 autotest

radiomanager_client 1.1.12

Pluxbox Pluxbox RadioManager Ruby SDK

36,880 下载

frodata 0.9.3

Provides a simple interface for working with OData V4 APIs.

35,912 下载

averager 0.2.1

RubyGem to track long running processes.

34,591 下载

autotest-inotify 0.0.6

Autotest relies on filesystem polling to detect modifications in source code files. Thi...

34,395 下载

ambience 2.0.0

App configuration feat. YAML and JVM properties

34,056 下载

metrix_db 0.0.9

Simple DB base on Ruby Array

33,927 下载

zip_money 1.2.1

ZipMoney Merchant API

33,211 下载

autotest-tmux 1.4.0

displays autotest/autospec progress on tmux status-right.

32,670 下载

autotest-tmux 1.4.0

displays autotest/autospec progress on tmux status-right.

32,670 下载

autotest-tmux 1.4.0

displays autotest/autospec progress on tmux status-right.

32,670 下载

swagger_aem_osgi 1.0.0

Swagger AEM OSGI is an OpenAPI specification for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) OSGI Co...

32,116 下载

persistent_settings 1.5.0

Simple global Settings class for ActiveRecord based applications

31,830 下载

gitmodel 0.0.8

GitModel persists Ruby objects using Git as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveModel ...

31,221 下载

jirafe 1.0.0

Client for Jirafe analytics web service

30,749 下载

aspose_email_cloud 21.9.0

Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email applications that work with common ...

30,637 下载

imap_archiver 0.0.8

imap_archiver is a command line tool to archive messages on an imap server. You ...

30,050 下载

imap_archiver 0.0.8

imap_archiver is a command line tool to archive messages on an imap server. You ...

30,050 下载

first_data_gateway 1.14.0

Ruby SDK to be used with First Data's IPG API (version 21.5.0). This SDK has been creat...

29,926 下载

inkling 0.1.0

A content framework engine for Rails 3

29,491 下载

chronicle 0.1.0

Chronicle groups collections of ruby objects into time periods.

28,949 下载

snapimage 0.2.1

Rack Middleware for handling the SnapImage API

28,703 下载

robot-vim 2.0.1

Automate Vim with Ruby to allow for TDD/BDD of Vim plugins and scripts

28,473 下载

administer 0.3.0

Automatic admin interface generation

28,404 下载

bombbomb 2.0.25798

We make it easy to build relationships using simple videos.

27,932 下载

ralf 1.1.1

Download logfiles from Amazon S3 buckets to local disk and combine them in one Apache C...

27,693 下载

PostlightMDTest 1.4.1

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

27,663 下载

PostlightMCTest 1.4.1

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

27,629 下载

wire4_client 1.1.4

Referencia de la API de Wire4

27,524 下载

yousign_client 1.0.4

Yousign API Documentation Ruby Gem

27,201 下载

tengine_job 1.2.2

tengine_job provides jobnet management

26,834 下载

下载总量 1,529,692

这个版本 49,522




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
