RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para addressable La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren addressable

geoloqi 0.9.44

Powerful, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the Geoloqi Platform API

141.797 Descargas

weneedfeed 0.20.0

Generate feeds from URL and selectors.

138.449 Descargas


Fork of google-api-client used by Ruby-based Arvados components.

135.759 Descargas

casino 4.1.2

CASino is a simple CAS (Central Authentication Service) server.

134.718 Descargas

rack-wwwhisper 1.1.15

Middleware uses wwwhisper service to authorize requests.

131.441 Descargas

barometer 0.9.7

A multi API consuming weather forecasting superstar.

127.806 Descargas

ood_appkit 2.1.4

Provides an interface to working with other Open OnDemand (OOD) apps. It provides a dat...

126.767 Descargas

uv-rays 2.4.7

Opinionated abstractions for Libuv

126.605 Descargas

rdfobjects 0.11.4

RDFObjects are intended to simplify working with RDF data by providing a (more) Ruby-li...

124.765 Descargas

jekyll_picture_tag 2.1.0

Jekyll Picture Tag adds responsive images to your Jekyll static site. It automatica...

123.937 Descargas

imagekitio 3.0.0

Automate image optimization on rails platforms.

123.805 Descargas

described_routes 0.8.3

Features: * Dynamic, framework-neutral, client-friendly <code>ResourceTemplate</code> m...

121.910 Descargas

plangrade-ruby 0.4.10

A ruby wrapper for accessing plangrade's REST API

121.759 Descargas

madness 1.2.1

Start a markdown server in any directory

121.031 Descargas

dkron-rb 1.1.0

You can communicate with Dkron using a RESTful JSON API over HTTP. Dkron nodes usually ...

120.888 Descargas

geared_pagination 1.2.0

Paginate Active Record sets at variable speeds

119.487 Descargas

dwolla-ruby 3.0.2

This SDK is for an old version of Dwolla's API and is no longer actively maintained. Pl...

119.067 Descargas

weary 1.1.3

A framework and DSL to construct Ruby clients to RESTful web services.

118.831 Descargas

adomain 0.2.4

Simple, uncomplicated, schemed domain parsing using Addressable

118.769 Descargas

contact-data 0.6.0

A Ruby gem to retrieve data about people and organizations from

118.554 Descargas

md-paperclip-azure 2.2.0

Paperclip-Azure is a [Paperclip]( storage drive...

118.101 Descargas

git-trend 1.4.0

CLI-Based tool that show Trending repository on github

118.068 Descargas

esi 0.4.22

EVE ESI API wrapper

114.466 Descargas

spandx 0.18.3

Spandx is a ruby API for interacting with the software license catalogue. This...

113.994 Descargas

u3d 1.3.3

Provides numerous tools for installing, managing and running the Unity game engine from...

111.165 Descargas

embiggen 1.5.0

A library to expand shortened URIs, respecting timeouts, following multiple redirec...

110.952 Descargas

frenetic 3.0.1

An opinionated Ruby-based Hypermedia API client.

110.838 Descargas

ls-trace 0.2.0

ls-trace is LightStep's fork of Datadog’s tracing client for Ruby. It is used to trace ...

110.192 Descargas

casino_core 1.4.4

CASinoCore is a CAS server library. It can be used by other projects to build a fully f...

110.033 Descargas

rom-rails 2.4.0

Integrate Ruby Object Mapper with Rails

107.247 Descargas

Total de descargas 797.065.857

Para esta versión 2.612.194



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.2
