RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para addressable La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren addressable

ticketmaster-lighthouse 0.8.0

Allows ticketmaster to interact with Lighthouse's issue tracking system.

91.739 Descargas

astrotrain 0.7.2

email => http post

91.269 Descargas

ack_rocket_cms 0.9.2

RocketCMS fork

90.855 Descargas

guillotine 1.4.2

Adaptable private URL shortener

90.516 Descargas

miteru 2.3.2

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

90.353 Descargas

local_pac 0.10.2

This gem helps you to serve proxy.pacs locallly

90.259 Descargas

gemirro 1.3.0

Create your own gems mirror.

89.549 Descargas

maxcdn 0.4.0

A Rest Client For MaxCDN Rest Web Services

89.082 Descargas

tunnel-cf-plugin 0.3.0

External access to your services on Cloud Foundry via a Caldecott HTTP tunnel.

88.506 Descargas

kagu 4.0.0

API to manage macOS Music tracks and playlists

88.230 Descargas

cortex-client 0.11.0

Cortex API Client

87.043 Descargas

chimps 0.3.6

Chimps allows you to easily make API calls against Infochimps web services. Chimps's R...

85.780 Descargas

desi 0.7.2

Desi (Developper Elasticsearch Installer) is very simple tool to quickly set up an Elas...

85.174 Descargas

smith 0.8.9

Simple multi-agent framework. It uses AMQP for it's messaging layer.

82.942 Descargas

fluent-plugin-elb-access-log 0.6.1

Fluentd input plugin for AWS ELB Access Logs.

82.753 Descargas

rad_core 0.2.7

Simple and highly customizable Web Framework encouraging to build an app as a set of lo...

82.709 Descargas

g5_authentication_client 1.0.2

Client for the G5 Auth service

82.578 Descargas

cashbox 0.0.42

Cashbox Rest Client

82.290 Descargas

spid-es 0.0.50

SAML toolkit for Ruby programs to integrate with SPID

81.693 Descargas

roqua-healthy 1.6.0

Receives queries from RoQua, sends them to Mirth, and translates Mirth's responses back...

81.583 Descargas

yarrow 0.9.4

Yarrow is a tool for generating well structured documentation from a variety of input s...

80.827 Descargas

rom-http 0.10.0

HTTP support for ROM

80.669 Descargas

ronin-support 1.1.0

ronin-support is a support library for ronin-rb. ronin-support provides many Core Exten...

80.612 Descargas

djatoka 0.4.1

The djatoka library provides some simple methods for creation of the OpenURLs needed to...

79.950 Descargas

stash-client 0.1.0

Atlassian Stash Client

79.007 Descargas

batchy 1.0.1

For handling all of the exceptions, states, timeouts, etc of batch processes

78.246 Descargas


An easy-to-use client for Zuora.

77.506 Descargas


obtains from any kind of hyperlink a link to an image, its format and resolution

77.027 Descargas

bucky-core 0.10.25

Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Se...

76.830 Descargas

budgea_client 5.6.0

Budgea API Documentation Ruby Gem

75.999 Descargas

Total de descargas 839.943.569

Para esta versión 23.480.226

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.2
