RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for activerecord Latest version of the following gems require activerecord

opentelemetry-instrumentation-pg 0.27.3

PG (PostgreSQL) instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

6,907,069 下載

dragonfly 1.4.0

Dragonfly is a framework that enables on-the-fly processing for any content type. It ...

6,777,616 下載

email_address 0.2.4

The EmailAddress Gem to work with and validate email addresses.

6,453,287 下載

jsonapi-resources 0.10.7

A resource-centric approach to implementing the controllers, routes, and serializers ne...

6,436,450 下載

goldiloader 5.2.2

Automatically eager loads Rails associations as associations are traversed

6,291,946 下載

simple_enum 2.3.2

Provides enum-like fields for ActiveRecord, ActiveModel and Mongoid models.

6,236,168 下載

fx 0.8.0

Adds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage database functions and...

6,072,929 下載

auto_strip_attributes 2.6.0

AutoStripAttributes helps to remove unnecessary whitespaces from ActiveRecord or Active...

6,061,747 下載

protected_attributes_continued 1.9.0

Protect attributes from mass assignment

6,034,657 下載

hashid-rails 1.4.1

This gem allows you to easily use [Hashids]( in your Rails...

6,014,385 下載

amoeba 3.3.0

An extension to ActiveRecord to allow the duplication method to also copy associated ch...

6,009,755 下載

after_commit_action 1.1.0

Use this module to defer actions to the after-commit hook. This is useful if you want t...

5,975,481 下載

tod 3.1.2

Supplies TimeOfDay and Shift class that includes parsing, strftime, comparison, and ari...

5,951,845 下載

seed_dump 3.3.1

Dump (parts) of your database to db/seeds.rb to get a headstart creating a meaningful s...

5,923,296 下載

neighbor 0.3.2

Nearest neighbor search for Rails and Postgres

5,789,380 下載

bulk_insert 1.9.0

Faster inserts! Insert N records in a single statement.

5,458,543 下載

delayed_job_web 1.4.4

Web interface for delayed_job inspired by resque

5,445,786 下載

foreigner 1.7.4

Adds helpers to migrations and dumps foreign keys to schema.rb

5,299,750 下載

active_model_otp 2.3.4

Adds methods to set and authenticate against one time passwords 2FA(Two factor Authenti...

5,207,386 下載

acts_as_commentable_with_threading 2.0.1

Polymorphic threaded comments Rails gem for Rails 4+

5,083,625 下載

arel-helpers 2.14.0

Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.

4,891,123 下載

closure_tree 7.4.0

Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord model support hierarchies

4,878,868 下載

apartment 2.2.1

Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord

4,869,898 下載

oink 0.10.1

Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size

4,845,256 下載

activerecord-sqlserver-adapter 7.1.3

ActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter. SQL Server 2012 and upward.

4,772,815 下載

hairtrigger 1.1.1

allows you to declare database triggers in ruby in your models, and then generate appro...

4,665,903 下載

active_record_extended 3.2.1

Adds extended functionality to Activerecord Postgres implementation

4,645,379 下載

ridgepole 2.0.3

Ridgepole is a tool to manage DB schema. It defines DB schema using Rails DSL, and upda...

4,645,357 下載

activerecord-compatible_legacy_migration 0.1.2

Compatible migration file between Rails 4.2 and 5+

4,614,115 下載

simple_token_authentication 1.18.1

Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.

4,611,951 下載

總下載次數 546,746,853

這個版本 181,425



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
