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activeadmin 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 activeadmin

rs-active_admin-sortable_tree 2.2.1

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

5,535 下载

activeadmin_associations 0.1.3

This extends ActiveAdmin to allow for better editing of associations.

5,473 下载

active_admin-exportable 0.3.0

Allow user to export/import of ActiveRecord records and associated records in ActiveAdmin.

5,359 下载

active_admin_importer 0.1.1

Import CSV's into activeadmin

5,353 下载

activeadmin-dragonfly 0.1.1

For convenient use of dragonfly attachments within ActiveAdmin, this gem adds a new inp...

4,929 下载

active_admin_map_index 0.1.1

Active Admin map view index

4,827 下载

fixed_activeadmin_sortable_table 1.3.1

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

4,818 下载

activeadmin-exporter 0.0.3

ActiveAdmin plugin for expanding export possibilities.

4,732 下载

ecm_lightbox 0.0.2.pre

ECM Lightbox Module

4,589 下载

active_i18n 0.0.1

Plugin for active admin which allows to easy modify I18n translations

4,541 下载

aa_parser 0.1.0

Parser fro AA

4,412 下载

ecm_staff 0.0.2.pre

ECM Module Template.

4,385 下载

newsroom 0.0.1

Simple Rails Engine to integrate "news services" to a Rails APP

4,348 下载

rs-active_admin-state_machine 0.2.1

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

4,228 下载

active_admin-workflow 0.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & workflow

4,073 下载

captive-admin 0.2.12

Un thème pour ActiveAdmin aux couleurs de Captive.

4,016 下载

activeadmin_tiny_improvements 0.1.5

A collection of small visual improvements to classic ActiveAdmin theme. This gem provid...

3,916 下载

visagio-arctic_admin 2.0.3

A responsive theme for Active Admin

3,746 下载

status_tag_for 0.0.1

ActiveAdmin component which shows predicate as status.

3,464 下载

hb_gems 0.1.2


3,448 下载

active_admin_mail 0.1

Manage your ActionMailer mail templates from ActiveAdmin, and log them.

3,353 下载

woodlock 0.0.1

Woodlock is an authentication and user management engine.

3,311 下载

gemgento 2.8.0

rails based magento bridge for ecommerce

3,277 下载

active_admin-codigo5_signature 0.1.0

Easily add Codigo5 Web Signature to your ActiveAdmin footer.

3,222 下载

active_admin_csv_with_bom 0.1.0

Generate csv with byte order mark for Active Admin

3,163 下载

hellobase-formtastic 0.2.0

Custom Formtastic inputs

3,124 下载

active_admin_associations 0.1.0

A dropdown menu for your ActiveRecord relations between ActiveAdmin Resources.

3,055 下载

activeadmin_sortable 0.0.1.pre

Extends ActiveAdmin to provide a page on which to sort a model's instances.

2,843 下载

activeadmin-qiniu_input 0.1.0

ActiveAdmin Inputs for using qiniu to upload image or video.

2,741 下载

activeadmin_simple_form 0.1.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views

2,641 下载

下载总量 33,241,980

这个版本 159,029



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
