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activeadmin 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 activeadmin

atomic_cms 0.4.0

Live CMS powered by atomic assets.

22,693 下载

ecm_cms_core 0.0.8

Database backed templates and partials.

21,810 下载

ecm_sliders 1.0.4.pre

ECM Module Template.

21,332 下载

nubis_rails_boilerplate 0.0.11

I usually start the same rails apps, running on the same infrastructure, so this collec...

20,758 下载

activeadmin_jfu_upload 0.2.4

An Active Admin plugin to use jQuery-File-Upload component

20,343 下载

date_n_time_picker_activeadmin 0.1.3

Datetime Picker for Activeadmin

20,320 下载

introspective_admin 0.9.0

Set up basic ActiveAdmin screens for an ActiveRecord model.

19,854 下载

c80_contest 0.1.9

Пришли чек и участвуй в розыгрыше 500 литров бензина

19,386 下载

activeadmin_sidekiq_stats 0.1.2

Sidekiq Stats In ActiveAdmin Dashboard

19,361 下载

activeadmin-mongoidv3 0.0.2

ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)

18,414 下载

activeadmin-globalize 0.6.3

Handles globalize translations in ActiveAdmin 0.6.3 and Rails 3.2.x

17,061 下载

active_admin-cep_auto_complete 0.2.5

Auto complete your addresses fields with Brazilian CEP (zip code).

16,829 下载

activeadmin_ancestry_view 0.0.5

Ancestry tree view in ActiveAdmin resource

16,726 下载

activeadmin_materialize_theme 0.2.6

A theme for Active Admin based on Materialize framework.

16,054 下载

activeadmin_images 0.3.0

Active Admin plugin for generate the model of image

16,018 下载

signed_form-activeadmin 0.4.1

Integrates signed_form into activeadmin forms.

15,830 下载


Adds model Features::Para (paragraph) to site, which are usually enumerated as text blo...

15,577 下载

txtblx 0.0.6

Txtblx provides a simple way to allow Active Admin users to edit interface copy.

14,307 下载

activeadmin-regex-input 0.2.2

A simple filter input for active admin with checking at client if input match predefine...

14,220 下载

activeadmin-audit 0.1.4

Allow to track changes of records which done through ActiveAdmin

13,753 下载

ActiveAdmin-Globalize3-inputs 0.0.1

Implementation of globalize_fields - has_many friendly Globalize3 helper for ActiveAdmin.

13,585 下载

active_admin-form_errors 0.1.1

Pretty form errors by default in your ActiveAdmin.

13,495 下载

activeadmin-localize 0.3.0

Easily edit localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page)

12,625 下载

active_admin-extensions 0.0.4

Collection of extensions for ActiveAdmin

12,407 下载

active_admin_pagination 0.2.1

Provides a pagination 'per page' interface for ActiveAdmin. It renders a sidebar sectio...

12,381 下载

activeadmin_associable 0.1.5

A dropdown menu for your ActiveRecord relations between ActiveAdmin Resources.

12,192 下载

active_admin_delayed_job 1.0.2

View all, running, failed, and queued jobs. Retry failed jobs.

11,851 下载

rdcms_publication 0.0.4

O Rdcms Publications é o módulo para publicações de cartilhas, revistas, catálogos dent...

11,805 下载

activeadmin_ckeditor 0.0.3

A plugin that allows you to easily drop Ckeditor into ActiveAdmin.

11,656 下载

activeadmin-chat 1.0.1

ActiveAdmin chat plugin

11,564 下载

下载总量 38,386,824

这个版本 8,266




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true
