RubyGems Navigation menu

active_support 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 active_support

yssk22-couch_resource 0.1.1

ActiveRecord style data mapper for CouchDB

5,727 下載

bunraku 3.0.0

description of gem

5,603 下載

clitt 0.1.0

Track your time locally, offline, using this simple tool.

5,377 下載

array_with_priority 0.1.0

An array with priority groups within it

5,315 下載

admincredible 0.0.1

Communicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Jo...

5,216 下載

gkellogg-reddy 0.2.1

Reddy parses RDF/XML, RDFa and N3-rdf into a Graph object. It also serializes RDF/XML a...

5,096 下載

git-webhook 0.0.1

A github compatible post-receive web hook for git written in Ruby

5,000 下載

cain 0.0.1

Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen...

4,985 下載

apexgen 0.0.1

Apexgen allows you to generate object XML, create scaffolding for...

4,979 下載

capital 0.1.0

Extend your database columns, converting values to/from rich objects

4,952 下載

alonzo 0.0.1

Your command-line butler and confidant

4,921 下載

bp 0.0.5

Tools for building gems and such

4,880 下載

coordinates_transformations 0.0.1

Point and UTM transformations for GeoKit.

4,790 下載

yilp 0.1

Ruby wrapper arround Yahoo Internet Location Platform

4,705 下載

mguymon-cache-money 0.2.12

Cache utilities.

4,548 下載

flint 0.0.1

Flint is a simple Campfire client heavily inspired by the blather gem

4,526 下載

eve_online-api 0.0.1

Ruby interface to the EVE Online API

4,517 下載

nlg 0.0.1

Build articles and paragraphs from structured data. Instead of a standard tempate, we c...

4,516 下載

skip_database 0.1.0

Database skipping unility for Test::Unit and ActiveSupport::TestCase

4,415 下載

yweather 0.0.1

Port of the yahoo-weather gem, an object-oriented interface to the Yahoo! Weather service.

4,408 下載

jsdiff 0.9.0

Diff two json files and fabulously display results

4,379 下載

steam_community 0.1

Lookup steam player profile information such as games, achievements and friends.

4,315 下載

mediawiki_robot 0.0.1

Gem for creating robots that monitor/maintain MediaWiki-based wikis.

4,296 下載


Govkit lets you quickly get encapsulated Ruby objects for common open government APIs. ...

4,280 下載

repository 0.0.1

A Repository mediates between the domain and data mapping layers, acting like an in-mem...

4,273 下載

easyemail 1.0.0

"send email in a simple way"

4,249 下載

mass_assignment_assertions 0.0.1

Them gem will add assertions for ensuring attributes are marked protected

4,107 下載

test_balancer 0.0.1

inspects, lists and balances you test suit across multiple executions

4,091 下載

bullhorn-rest 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper for the Bullhorn REST API

4,090 下載

pipe 0.0.1

pIpe is ifttt for websites/webservices linked to webservices/smartphones/laptops with s...

4,085 下載

總下載次數 278,594

這個版本 278,594


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