RubyGems Navigation menu

active_support 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 active_support

kaboom 0.3.3

This is a fork of Zach Holman's amazing boom. Explanation for the fork follows Zach's...

11,292 下載

smartwaiver 0.0.5

Interface for SmartWaiver API

11,174 下載

sexp_info 0.0.4

Peek under the hood of sexps

11,022 下載

feedbagtoo 0.7.4

This gem will return title and url for each feed discovered at a given url

10,863 下載

money_online 0.0.3

MoneyOnline (aka DengiOnline) is a payment system, that have a single interface for man...

10,645 下載

content_directory 0.1.2

Content Directory is a lightweight replacement of Content Management System. It provide...

10,489 下載

matlock 0.1.2

Simple name extraction utility.

10,485 下載

draper-cancan 0.1.1

Adds some simple methods to your decorators to make it easier to use with the CanCan gem

10,236 下載

rankles 0.0.4

Ranking algorithms.

10,064 下載

restivus 0.0.3

Restivus eats CSV files and spits out fully-documented RESTful endpoints.

10,050 下載

sears-api 0.3.0

just your basic wrapper'

10,001 下載

tamarillo 0.2.0

Manage pomodoros from the command-line.

9,724 下載

smokey_bear 1.1.0

Tools for testing JSON-based APIs

9,632 下載

kannel_monitor 0.0.3

Gem for monitoring kannel status and also smsc status

9,130 下載

elch_scan 0.1.2

Query your MediaElch/XBMC library with Ruby! Easy and powerful search for your media ch...

9,051 下載

zresume 0.1.1

Use this to write a resume for you.

9,050 下載

golden_retriever 0.0.2

Restful controllers will have their resources automatically loaded for them.

8,958 下載

xfabricator 1.1.0

Generate file templates and add them to XCode project...

8,949 下載

rb-gust 0.0.3

A tool for loading spreadsheet data into ruby objects

8,832 下載

green_by_phone 0.1.1

API for

8,769 下載

camaras_valencia_es 0.0.2

A RESTful wrapper to the RESTful-like API at to access traff...

8,716 下載

api2pdf 0.0.2

Pretty-prints JSON-based API to PDF.

8,348 下載

custodian 0.0.2

Custodian is a lightweight resource monitor that is easy to use and augment

8,297 下載

box_cli 0.1.1

CLI for box

8,282 下載

arst 0.0.3

Abstract Ruby Syntax Tree (ARST) is a high-level language syntax denoting the object do...

8,249 下載

double_make_sure 0.0.2

DoubleMakeSure adds redundant testing and execution methods that allow you to use redun...

8,216 下載

frankenstein-sinatra 0.0.2

Aditional flesh for frank sinatra's body

7,975 下載

deployment_pipeline 0.0.1

Deployment Pipeline makes Continuous Deployment super easy.

7,871 下載

civic_info 1.0.1

Wrapper to Google's civic info API

7,786 下載

volleyball 0.1.3

A small library for yes/no voting on ActiveRecord models.

7,772 下載

總下載次數 278,594

這個版本 278,594


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