RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour actionpack Latest version of the following gems require actionpack

killbill-cybersource 5.2.7

Kill Bill payment plugin for Cybersource.

67 427 Téléchargements

chris_lib 2.2.1

It includes maths, datetime, and rspec access test libraries.

67 323 Téléchargements

responsive_image_tag 0.3.0

Allows you to specify two images in a responsive_image_tag, and includes a javascript g...

66 620 Téléchargements


Seamlessly integrates Aloha Editor into the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline.

66 308 Téléchargements

nulogy-fitter-happier 1.5.2

send bug reports to

66 108 Téléchargements

sql_search_n_sort 3.0.3

A gem that allows for simple SQL-based search and sort functionality

66 035 Téléchargements

bldr 1.0.1

Provides a simple and intuitive templating DSL for serializing objects to JSON.

65 938 Téléchargements

airbrake_user_attributes 0.1.6

Adds information about the current user to error reports

65 884 Téléchargements

activemodel-form 1.2.0

ActiveModel with support for booleans and datetimes in form helpers

65 571 Téléchargements

representative_view 1.2.3

Builds XML and JSON from a single view template

65 414 Téléchargements

open_api_annotator 0.6.1

OpenApiAnnotator realizes to generate OpenApi spec by annotating to Controller and Acti...

65 129 Téléchargements

will_pickdate 1.0.0

Ruby gem wrapping will_pickdate javascript widget giving support for rails datetime_sel...

64 982 Téléchargements

fuelux-rails 2.5.1

fuelux-rails project integrates Fuel UX Bootstrap extensions for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline

64 976 Téléchargements

simple_table 0.0.19


64 336 Téléchargements

turbostreamer 1.11.0

TurboStreamer is a JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON that streams directly to a s...

64 263 Téléchargements

chatterbox 0.8.5

Send notifications and messages. However you want.

63 918 Téléchargements


Seamlessly integrates TinyMCE into the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.

63 516 Téléchargements

couchrest_session_store 0.4.2

A Rails Session Store based on CouchRest Model

63 214 Téléchargements

brainstem 2.3.1

Brainstem allows you to create rich API presenters that know how to filter, sort, and i...

63 156 Téléchargements

query_helper 0.3.8

Ruby gem developed to help with pagination, filtering, sorting, and including associati...

63 102 Téléchargements

meta-tags-helpers 0.2.0

Rails meta tags helpers

63 035 Téléchargements

string_master 0.4.0

Because every time I create a new webapp, I think about how I should process user-gener...

62 128 Téléchargements

signed_form 0.5.0

Rails signed form security

62 081 Téléchargements

action_dispatch-http-content_disposition 0.1.0

Backport to older Rails

61 583 Téléchargements

quby 5.6.5

Quby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...

61 554 Téléchargements

actionview-link_to_blank 1.0.4

Alias link_to with target _blank

61 459 Téléchargements

l10n 2.2.1

Extensions for Rails I18n

60 797 Téléchargements

gotcha 0.0.6

A smart captcha library

60 440 Téléchargements

nyny 3.4.3

New York, New York - a (ridiculously) small and powerful web framework.

60 438 Téléchargements

selections 1.1.1

Selection list management and form and view helpers. Manages one table to hold all sel...

60 281 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 574 155 576

Pour cette version 855 671

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.1.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
